The National Rifle Association has drawn the ire of several critics due to their response (or lack thereof) and lack of remorse on their behalf concerning the recent Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida. In both public appearances and on social media, representatives of the NRA have been on the defense concerning the sanctity of gun laws.
To clear some things up and answer questions from the high school shooting survivors, students, and faculty, official NRA spokeswoman, Dana Loesch, was one of the NRA members there in attendance at the CNN Town Hall meeting.
The NRA was anxious to give Loesch a hearty thank you for representing them on their behalf. To do so, the NRA posted this tweet featuring a GIF of Leslie Knope from "Parks and Recreation."
The tweet
.@DLoesch thank you for being the voice of over 5 Million #NRA members.
— NRA (@NRA) February 22, 2018
"Parks and Recreation" was a comedy that aired on the NBC network from 2009 up until 2015. The show focused on Leslie Knope, played by Amy Poehler, an over-achieving but wholly passionate Deputy Director turned Governor who believes highly in the importance of bringing together her fellow townspeople as one big community. Every chance she had, Knope promoted the ethics of and importance of civic engagement.
The NRA thought that Leslie Knope would make the perfect figurehead for a GIF tweeting to Loesch. They thanked her for "being the voice of over 5 million NRA members." What appeared to be an innocent exchange proved to draw the ire from both the fans of the show and the cast members themselves.
The response
Hey @nra please stay the fuck away from Leslie Knope.
— Adam Scott (@mradamscott) February 22, 2018
Adam Scott--who played the television love interest and future husband of Leslie Knope, Ben Wyatt--was the first to condemn the "Parks and Recreation" co-sign from the NRA.
To summarize a more PG version of what Scott said, he told the NRA to stay away from Leslie Knope. Left and right, several of those who worked on the show took to Twitter to chime in on the NRA's tweet. Then, Michael Schur--the co-creator and open anti-gun critic--had this to say to condemn the NRA for using one of his characters for their "pro-slaughter agenda."
Hi, please take this down. I would prefer you not use a GIF from a show I worked on to promote your pro-slaughter agenda.
— Ken Tremendous (@KenTremendous) February 22, 2018
Also, Amy isn't on twitter, but she texted me a message: "Can you tweet the NRA for me and tell them I said fuck off?"
The one tweet response we never did get was from the show's lead star, Amy Poehler, but that is only because she herself does not have a Twitter account.
However, Michael Schur did make sure to include in his own tweet response that he did actually receive a text from Poehler. She personally asked Schur to "tweet the NRA for [her] and tell them [she] said f**k off." As we can see, he was happy to oblige.