When the Graham-Cassidy repeal bill failed to pass in the Senate last month -- whether it was expected or not, President Trump's frustrations of - once again - not being able to repeal Obamacare; motivated him to take on repealing the current health care law by himself. Obamacare is also more formally referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA). While it isn't a direct repeal, President Trump announced on Friday that he would stop monthly subsidy payments to insurance providers that were under the ACA marketplace.
Trump shoves Congress around over legislation
Until recently, the President's next steps over the health care law was the source of much confusion for many Americans, even for those who have been watching the drama unfold in Congress. This is because, Trump had publicly targeted Democrats in favor of giving more leverage to Republicans over the Health Care Law, before he suggested that he would work with Democrats to make it better.
The acceptable limits of repeated failures for Republicans to repeal Obamacare had already been crossed. Despite this, Trump has been pushing the conservative party into unknown territory. Republicans now find themselves in a position where it only takes one moment of success to earn Trump some credit, but so far, without success, the party has clearly become frustrated as well.
While the highs and lows of the administration and Congress has been seen with trying to reform health care, the same applies for other attempts to legislate on other issues.
Trump's own health care agenda
On October 8, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) revealed that Republicans didn't feel that they could trust the President or even depend on him to get things done.
But going back to the issue of health care, it already seems that despite Trump's executive order last Thursday that withholding subsidy payments will have an immediate impact. Certainly the effort by congressional Republicans were meant to repeal the health care law immediately. The President's recent attempt simply translate to being more of an effort to sabotage the law.
Prior to this, Trump was already sabotaging the ACA, such as using money meant to fund ads for ACA enrollment to fund anti-ACA ads instead. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced in August that they would cut 90 percent of the funding that goes to enrollment ads for 2018, as well as the enrollment period. Such an effort would restrict the ad campaign for the program to email and social media. Such an effort would result in less people signing up for the program.
The way that the Associated Press's "Trump hopes to boost lower-premium health insurance plans", puts it, The President's signed executive order is his first effort to put his stamp on his health care agenda. This is because his executive order would remove federal and state restrictions allowing a resident to cross state lines to get more affordable health care. The order is said to be an attempt to lower premiums offered by competitive insurance providers.