There is no doubt that Republicans in the House of Representatives intend to advance President trump's agenda. The proposition of an actual wall being built along the Mexican-American border did not exist as an actual solution to the issues of illegal immigration until Donald Trump made it a major focus of his campaign. Nonetheless, the House Homeland Security Committee made it a reality last week when they approved the amount of $10 billion to build the border wall. The committee's chairman Rep. Michael Mccaul (R-Texas) proposed the Border Security for America Act which passed on partisan lines 18-12.
A report by Fox News confirmed this information.
Trump's agenda for border security
Democrats responded to the committee's passing of the bill as a way for Republicans to appease Trump. McCaul has been adamant about border security for years and said that now that they have a partner in the White House prioritizing border security, that "it was time for Congress to do its job." President Trump's effort to build a border wall was delayed by Congress earlier this year, for other legislation. This lasted until July when House Republicans started sending signals that they were ready to put their focus on border security.'
While the Trump administration appeared to allow Congress to hold off on his border wall in order to pass the first budget of the year, President Trump was persistent with trying to push Congress to adjust funding.
At the time, Trump's budget director tried to pressure the House to remove funding from Obamacare in order to fund their border wall. In fact, Mulvany even threatened a government shutdown if Congress didn't submit to their demands.
Known unknowns of Border Security bills through Congress
Last Friday, Rep. McCaul published an OpEd with Fox News titled: "Homeland Security Chairman McCaul: We are now one step closer to securing our borders, America".
In his article, he said that his bill also authorized an additional $5 billion to modernize and improve ports of entry. He also added that there would be additional "boots on the ground" with 5,000 Border Patrol Agents and 5,000 U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers.
In the rest of the piece, McCaul presents his argument for the bill as defying "the swamp" and moving forward with the President's national security agenda.
The bill, though it might pass the house, will still face the Senate which still gives some power to Democrats. But the bill also faces Republican who might oppose the measure, in light of President Trump sending mixed signals about rescinding DACA.