Facebook identified 470 fake accounts which spent $100,000 on social network ads that advertise social and political messages, reported by New York Times. The company said that these accounts were probably associated with the Russian Federation and were created to interfere in 2016 presidential elections in the US.
According to the chief security officer of Facebook Alex Stamos, around 3000 ads were related to divisive social issues such as immigration, gun control, racial and homosexual rights. The ads were shown from 2015 to 2017, but the company stopped them.
Who created the ads?
Facebook also noted that 2,200 more ads were found, and their cost was up to $50,000. The internet protocol addresses of those ads were from the US, but their language was set to Russian. They were named "potentially politically connected" advertisements and were probably bought by Russians to intervene the Russian Federation in the election of the American president in 2016.
According to Alex Stamos, it was about advertising views on topics, including immigration, racial and homosexual rights, but not the support of a certain political candidate. Facebook says it is cooperating with the federal investigation into the impact on the US presidential election in 2016.
In turn, Ellen Weintraub, a member of the US Federal Electoral Commission, pointed out that the US voters have a right to know where the election ads come from.
She also added that foreign assets should not serve any federal, state or local elections directly or indirectly.
The position of Facebook
According to Facebook officials, a Russian company "The Internet Research Agency" created the accounts. The continuous investigation about the possible ties of the Trump administration with Russia influenced negatively on President Trump's reputation.
Facebook is aimed to contribute the investigation of the special counsel Robert S. Mueller, responsible for it, announcing that “we have shared our findings with U.S. authorities investigating these issues.”
According to New York Times, Facebook set off a plan to combat fake content and use the services of outside reviewers to address any doubtful issues.
Nevertheless, as Facebook ads are paid, their promotion will lead to high positions in the news feeds. Another important opportunity for political campaigns is targeting, which helps to reach the necessary auditory.