It's recently been reported and therefore confirmed that the special prosecutor Robert Mueller is investigating President Trump over obstruction of justice. Since Donald Trump has been president, he has acted to remove certain people that were conducting investigations on him, simply because they were. One example of this -- and a focus of Mueller's probe -- was when the President fired FBI Director James Comey, admitting that he was thinking about the Russia investigation at the time. Comey was already testifying at the time, revealing some details that the President didn't like, leading to more reasons to fire him.
Catching up on persons of interest
More recently, it was reported that when the President was speaking with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell last month, that he "went off" on McConnell for not protecting him from the looming investigations, likely, the ones being conducted by congressional committees. Over the past month, Robert Mueller's investigation has started showing signs that they're closing in on certain figures from the Trump campaign, mostly Paul Manafort, whose condo was raided by the FBI in July.
Another person of interest, however, has been Donald Trump Jr. who was involved with granting a meeting with five Russian officials -- also under investigation -- for what is seen as the best example of collusion by the Trump campaign so far.
Trump's compulsive effort to obstruct justice, again!
The Senate Judiciary Committee is set to interview Trump Jr. in the coming weeks for their investigation. The Washington Post reported last week in an article titled: "Trump calls senator investigating his son’s Russia contacts about ...ethanol" that President Trump contacted committee chairman Sen.
Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Wednesday, just to tell the senator that he supported ethanol. The consensus view was that the call was the President's way of intimidating Grassley, to let him know that he knows about the interview.
President Trump has been known to have called others before he ended up firing them, such as former Justice Department prosecutor Preet Bharara and James Comey.
Both former government officials questioned the nature of the calls being inappropriate for not following formal procedure. Obviously, with Grassley, the President can't fire a member of Congress. But, he has already shown that he has the ambition to attack lawmakers from the podium and Twitter. Even so, a call from a president is not uncommon. Grassley took to Twitter to tell his followers that the President supported ethanol.
Just had ph call from Pres Trump + he assured me he's pro ethanol +I'm free 2 the ppl of Iowa he's standing by his campaign PROMISE
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) August 30, 2017
Tlkd 2 @realDonaldTrump about ethanol +he knows that ethanol is good good good
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) August 30, 2017
When Pres Trump called me I thanked him 4his continued attention + response to hurricane Harvey @realDonaldTrump
— ChuckGrassley (@ChuckGrassley) August 30, 2017
Sudden interest in ethanol and the busy month of September
What makes the phone call interesting, however, is that one would think that Trump's "reason" for calling the senator would have been more appropriate as a tweet than by phone.
It was reported that Sen. Grassley had been trying to get Trump Jr. in for an interview for weeks, which was an effort that in itself made headlines. But the article by the Post points out that even though Grassley is a big champion for ethanol, there is no major bill or legislation in Congress at this time.
A White House official claimed that when the President threatened to get rid of NAFTA via Twitter over the weekend, that it people in the ethanol industry were worried that the President was abandoning his campaign pledge for ethanol.
The reports of the interview with Trump Jr. were circulating on Tuesday night, hours before the call. The interview with Trump Jr. will apparently be private and closed door.
Politico recently provided some updates in an article titled: "Russia probes kick into high gear" as to how busy the congressional panels that are conducting their investigations will be in September.
Not only is Trump Jr. set to face the Judiciary Committee, but so are Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen. With reports that the committees are not coordinating with each other, resulting in clashes along the way, there is some indication that September is going to be a busy month on the Hill and for the media.