The trump administration wants out of the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, which went into effect in November of 2016, and it had made its intent clear to the UN in June 2017. Now, after about two months since the declaration of intent the US State Department formally announced its decision to pull out of the Paris climate deal on Friday.

Trump wanted out but is effectively in

However, the State Department seemed quite ambivalent by adding to that formal written announcement its desire to continue participating in future climate change negotiations and meetings.

Of course this, the Trump administration claimed, they would do to protect the American interest in such negotiations and contribute to policies pertaining implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement. Isn't this exactly what you'd do by staying in rather than pulling out?

The US, in its written announcement, also detailed how it'd continue to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases through technology and innovation and work with other nations of the world to help them generate cleaner energy from fossil fuel and other renewable sources. The Trump administration has indicated its inclination to re-engage if the terms could be more favorable to US businesses, workers, and taxpayers.

What is the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement?

The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, which was signed by 197 nations and ratified by 135 of those, requires these nations to work towards a laudable target of preventing the earth from heating up by 2 degree Celsius since the Industrial Revolution. Our planet is estimated to have warmed up by 1.1 degree Celsius since the start of the industrial age, and the Agreement's bold attempt to slow down that rate of heating, and hopefully contain it, has been labeled, by the Trump administration, as counter-productive to the growth of certain industries and the progress of the nation.

Does the US opt out really matter?

The simple answer would be a bold and resounding 'no." The 2015 Paris Climate Agreement has already been ratified by 135 nations who account for about 75 percent of the greenhouse emission today, and America's opting out would not really affect the Agreement.

Even the US cannot avoid being a part of it until November 4, 2020, which is when the three years stipulated participation period ends for the US, and the US would be choosing its new President right around that time.

There is a possibility that Trump may not really get to see the US out of the Accord as the President unless he is reelected to the office for the second term.

So what is the real purpose behind all this?