Nowadays, nobody would be really surprised any more if you tell people that Shia LaBeouf got arrested for Disorderly Conduct. That's what happened last Saturday, and while we know that dealing with LaBeouf can get a little 'problematic…' well, it seems like he got extra-agitated during last weekend's arrest.
Arrested for acting up after being refused a cigarette?
Authorities from Savannah, Georgia arrested LaBeouf on charges of public intoxication and disorderly conduct while he was at the Savannah Hotel. According to the reports, LaBeouf asked a bystander and a police officer for a cigarette and when he did not get one, the actor got agitated.
LaBeouf used "profanities and vulgar language in front of the women and children present," as the police report states.
The police tried to arrest the actor but at this point, the actor remained aggressive and ran to the hotel lobby. Officers caught up and Shia LaBeouf was taken to a police car eventually. The actor did not come quietly, saying that his rights were "taken away from him" while he did nothing to the police officers. He also reminded them that the police should "make sure" that they know his lawyers are watching.
It did not stop there. When they arrived at the station, Shia apparently went into an irate rage, flinging expletives at the police officers stationed at the Savannah Chatham Metropolitan Police Department.
There was even a point when the actor was questioning the officers as to whether any of them are really American.
Bodycam footage shows actor being irate towards cops
What's more, video taken from the bodycam of four police officers were released to the public last Tuesday. The video showed the extent of how LaBeouf was ranting against the officers, insisting the he does not understand the reason for his arrest.
"I have rights, I'm an American, you got me in my hotel, arresting me in my hotel, for doing what sir?" the 31-year-old Transformers actor asked the officers in a loud voice. The police just ended up replying to him that they will "fix" his cuffs if he calms down.
LaBeouf was released hours later after being booked at the Chatham County Jail.
Neither LaBeouf nor his representatives released comments or official statements regarding the video.
This was not the first time that LaBeouf got himself arrested for disorderly conduct. He had tussled with the law before, mostly because of his performance pieces. Last January, he was arrested just outside a museum in New York while shouting "He will not divide us;" a form of protest against President Donald Trump.