In British Columbia, wildfires caused 39,000 people to leave their houses. A week ago the number of evacuees was about 14,000. According to officials, 162 active fires occurred in the northeast of Vancouver, reported by ABC News. 2,900 people, as well as 203 aircraft, are fighting to control the disaster. Two planes, five helicopters, and 50,000 firefighters from Australia were sent to help, and various plans for evacuation were executed, according to the Department of National Defense.

What caused the wildfires?

During the last week, the weather changed completely in the south and center of British Columbia causing too much heat in the forests and flashes of lightning, and powerful winds caused the disaster.

The situation went out of control, although the authorities were trying to increase the protection level.

C$100 million was announced in emergency funds. The Red Cross has prepared C$600 as payment for those who suffered from the Wildfires. According to the general manager of the British Columbia Cattlemen's Association Kevin Boon, more than 30,000 cattle suffered from the wildfires.

Forest fires in other territories

According to the head of the Ministry of Forestry John Rastad, the authorities of British Columbia have already spent tens of millions of dollars fighting Forest fires.

In Europe, forests are blazing with such force that even aviation does not help. Some countries have already applied for international assistance.

Local authorities fear that the fires could affect oil pipelines in hazardous areas. In Europe, the temperature is expected to rise to 40 degrees in the coming days.

In California, the area of fires increased fourfold. Seven thousand hectares of the national forest "Los Pardes" is on fire. The weather forecast is not good, and in North America, the fire-dangerous regime could last until September.

World prices for wood are growing because of forest fires in the Canadian province of British Columbia, which is the world's largest source of softwood, The Vancouver Sun reported.Sawmills and mines in the province are closed, and their employees have been evacuated. On Monday, wood prices rose to $10in Chicago. RBC Capital noted that the impact of fires on the supply of timber is still minimal, but the situation may worsen. According to BMO Capital Markets, wood could rise in price by 6 to 8 percent in the next couple of weeks due to the reduction in supply.