A terminally ill baby from London has been denied experimental medical in the United States by the European Court of Human Rights. Charlie Gard, 10 month- old, was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome. Charlie is only the 16th person ever to be diagnosed with the RRM2B stain of the disorder in the world.
Charlie was born on August 4, 2016, and was born a healthy baby. When he was just 8 weeks old doctors found that he had the rare genetic disorder. He was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children located in London and has been there for 8 months receiving care.
During this time in the hospital, his condition has continued to grow worse leaving him on life- support. Doctors have concluded that baby Charlie is suffering irreversible brain damage that he will never recover from. Charlie is unable to see, hear, move and can not breathe on his own. Doctors believe the baby would never have a quality of life and should be allowed to die with dignity.
Chris Gard and Connie Yates disagree with the doctor's findings of their son. The couple has done everything possible to keep baby Charlie alive. Soon after they found out that Charlie had the genetic disorder they began looking for help. The couple found a doctor, who can not be identified, in the United States that is doing experimental treatment for mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome.
The family began fundraising and raised $1.8 million to bring the baby to the U.S for treatment from England. During this time a legal battle also began, to let Charlie die or save him.
Human Right's Court
Honorable Mr. Justice Nicholas Francis of the High Court's Family Division who presided over the hearing agreed with doctors treating the baby.
Justice Francis stated, "death is in the best interest of the Charlie." There are no bases that experimental American treatment would help him. Nucleoside Therapy can not reverse structural brain damage, "Justice Francis said.
The court ordered his life support to be turned off. Barrister Richard Gordon QC, representing the parents, believes that both Charlie and his parents civil rights have been violated by the court's decision.
Gorden stated, "the parents should be able to decide on their child's treatment unless it poses significant harm," Gordon said.
Nucleoside Therapy
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children did try to gain permission to try the experimental treatment nucleoside therapy on the baby. Charlies condition rapidly declined before permission could be given. The baby suffers from extreme seizures that caused Irreversible Brain Damage.
Artuirto Estopinan, 6, who also suffering from mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome and has the TK2 strain began receiving nucleoside therapy in the United States. He is the first person to ever receive the treatment for this rare condition.
Arthur and Olga Estopinan have said that the treatment has helped Artuirto.
They decided to give nucleoside therapy a chance to save him. In 3 months of starting treatment, they saw improvements in their son. He started to move his fingers and arms, then his feet and legs and he became more alert. Artuirto has made enough of a recovery that he was able to go home. His parents believe it is a miracle. Now he can stand with assistance.
The Estopinan's who have been watching Charlie's case is shocked at the court's decision. Arthur Estopinan said, "we are shocked that the doctors in the UK said Charlie should die with dignity. How insensitive when this could save his life and doctors in the U.S are willing to help," Arthur said.
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children will allow the family time to spend with their baby before life support is stopped so that they can say goodbye to their son. Chris Gard and Connie Yates had also asked the court at the time of the verdict for their son if they could at least bring him home to die. The court denied the request.