Soon after a video announcing Caledonia, Wisconsin's Randy Bryce's 2018 Congressional campaign against the incumbent, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, on Sunday, the internet lit up with praise for the "relatable non-politician." One Twitter user stated that he is the the sort of politician "everyone was looking for." The video begins with President Donald Trump and Paul Ryan shaking hands before a large crowd, as Mr.

Bryce's voice explains that this is what "repealing and replacing Obamacare" looks like.

"Everybody doesn't get what they want," the house speaker can be heard in a clip. The video then turned to Bryce's mother, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, which results in pain that she compared to "hot knives." The woman explained that one of the many medications she relies upon to keep her alive costs thousands of dollars each month. The Wisconsin ironworker reflected upon the large number of Americans who are at risk with the plans of Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, and the Republican Party to repeal and replace Obamacare.

Randy Bryce calls on community to carry those who fall behind

"I work everyday so that me and my son have insurance," Randy Bryce stated in the video. He continued, "not everyone is seated at the table, and it's time to make a bigger table... If somebody falls behind, we're so much stronger if we carry them with us."

Bryce offered a challenge to Paul Ryan, that the two switch places, that Paul Ryan take a turn and "work the iron" and that Bryce represent the district in Washington, D.C. More than one internet observer has made comparisons between Bryce and Ron Swanson from the NBC comedy "Parks and Recreation," and expressed their approval of his Congressional run.

Strong vision for U.S. health care

Before his career as an ironworker, Randy Bryce enlisted in the U.S. Army, where he was stationed in Honduras. During his service, he was awarded the Army Achievement Medal. His website notes that his father and brother are police officers, his mother works in a medical office, and his sister works as a teacher. The Democrat states that he was educated in public schools.

While his stance on many issues remains to be seen, one thing is clear, Bryce is not happy with the proposed changes to health care in the United States. Vox reports that a bill drafted by Senate Republicans was made public just today. Toward this situation, Randy Bryce has stated on his website: "What Paul Ryan and the Republicans are doing to take health care away from millions of us, to make it cost more and cover less, and to allow the protections we’ve gained to be stripped away -- it’s just unacceptable."