John Morgan is a lawyer everyone knows well in Tampa Bay. From his ads for his personal injury attorney's office to working with People’s Choice and advocating consumer safety, Morgan is on the up and up. But he has some bigger ideas with some big men in the Trump White House.

Legal success

After scoring a big win last week with lawmakers to get the medical marijuana bill on Gov. Rick Scott’s desk, there were some other appointments scheduled in the Orlando lawyer’s office.

While it is unclear where he wants to announce his Governor candidacy, it is certain that he is looking to be good competition for Adam Putnam and some other minor leaguers itching for the top dog seat.

John Morgan has some big cash rolling in from his campaigns to advocate medical marijuana, and one campaign succeeded last year. Even though Amendment 2 is on the governor’s desk, the bill is not up to par with what Morgan wants to have for patients who can be offered cannabis prescriptions. Morgan is planning to sue the state of Florida to get rid of the smoking prohibition placed on medical marijuana.

He advocates using the plant to the fullest extent, not just oils, pills, and other forms for medicinal purposes.

Thanks to his swaying of conservative Florida lawmakers, the next big conservative party he wishes to sway is Trump’s cabinet members and even President Trump himself. Conservative strategist Roger Stone was in Florida being entertained by John Morgan who wishes to get Trump interested in decriminalizing marijuana nationwide.

Federal decriminalization policy

Decriminalization is a risky business. In an interview with Tampa Bay Times, Morgan said to the newspaper that Roger Stone is part of the inner circle of people Trump groups meets with. He is one man that Trump knows to trust outside of his own family.

While it is hard to work with a man that has severe trust issues, tweaking the strategy to get Trump to consider removing marijuana from a Schedule 1 narcotic would mean a big fish connection if he plans to run for Governor.

Some of the standing platforms that Morgan is thinking about when considering the application for Governor would be to create an amendment for minimum wage and leave it at a set point of money throughout the state of Florida that can be economically sustained and beneficial for the growth of the state. The other key factor is targeting federal policy on Schedule 1 narcotics, especially marijuana.