Past dawn on June 14, many residents became homeless as London Grenfell Tower was engulfed in flame and burnt the building into ashes. According to Boston Herald, the 27-storey tower erupted in flame after 1 a.m (London time). According to some sources, at least 200 firefighters and 40 fire engines were called to the scene. Several firefighters also suffered minor injuries during the blaze. Flames and smoke were still shooting from windows all the way up the tower more than three hours after the fire started.

Twelve dead in Grenfell Tower blaze

According to the Telegraph News, eighteen are believed to be in critical state after 79 injured people were rescued and taken to the hospital.

Since the happening of the event, twelve have been confirmed dead. According to some witnesses, some residents seemed to be trapped inside the building. In an interview with BBC News, one resident identified as Sophia said that the fire was “all the way through” the building and firefighters were “losing the battle.”

According to Commander Stuart Cundy of the Metropolitan Police, the number of casualties is confirmed, but the figure is likely to rise depending on the recovery operation of the people who were rescued. Other locals have said that some residents inside are jumping out of the building to save themselves from the swirling fire. Most residents inside are believed to be trapped since the fire broke out at dawn while everyone was sleeping.

The warnings were ignored

The residents’ association Grenfell Action Group have repeatedly warned the management of the risk of fire in the building. Residents of the building have also warned that site access for emergency vehicles was severely restricted. Despite the warning, residents, and management have not done anything to resolve the issue.

The Grenfell Tower was in built in 1974 but recently undergone a major renovation. Many experts said the fire spread at unusual speed and have raised idea whether the cladding of the tower may have contributed to the fire. Construction firm Rydon who carried out the overhaul, originally stated that the work met all required building control, fire regulation and health and safety standards.

Last year, a review of building regulations covering safety was promised by Prime Minister's assistant Garvin Barwell but has not been published until now.

In an interview, Kensington and Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation said it was too early to speculate what caused the fire and what contributed to its spread. The government is still undergoing an investigation and have not fully known the cause of the fire. In a statement, the government has assured the public to have a press release once the investigation is done.