For long, human beings have wondered the existence of extraterrestrial life in the galaxy. These questions will soon be answered as NASA may have found proof that aliens exist. According to hacktivist group Anonymous, the space agency is on the verge of announcing the existence of alien life forms after having discovered numerous habitable planets in different solar systems.

On June 20, Anonymous posted a video online, in which an individual wearing the signature Guy Fawkes mask announced that they have obtained proof of conversation between NASA officials regarding the existence of extraterrestrial life in the universe.

In fact, the video claimed that the agency has already announced the presence of such life forms during the recent meeting of the 'U.S. Science, Space, and Technology Committee'.

Goldilocks Zone

The video comes just days after NASA claimed it discovered 219 new planets in other solar systems through its Kepler space observatory. Ten of these planets are said to be rocky and have an uncanny resemblance to Earth. They fall in the region of space known as the Goldilocks Zone, referring to the habitable zone around a star where the temperature is neither too hot nor too cold to hold water.

The video also cites NASA Science Mission Directorate, Professor Thomas Zurbuchen, who said during the committee meeting that scientists were very close to discovering extraterrestrial life forms in the galaxy.

He stated that with the enhanced effort for the search of life in the universe and with the advent of newer technologies, it would not be too long before NASA shows a conclusive proof of aliens' existence in the universe.

Technological advancements and discoveries

Zurbuchen also shared via his Twitter account that the discovery of 219 new planets may also lead to the discovery of extraterrestrial life.

Thanks to the Kepler space telescope, which is capable of detecting even the tiniest drops in a distant star’s brightness or luminosity. This phenomenon, called transit, usually occurs when a planet crosses in front of a star.

Overall, NASA scientists have discovered more than 2,335 planets outside our solar system. Of these, 30 planets have been deemed suitable for life.

This has led scientists to question whether we are really alone in the universe.

Meanwhile, the Kepler spacecraft continues to make observations, searching for planets and studying a variety of interesting astronomical objects.