Florida Memorial University announced in a Facebook post on Wednesday that the late 17-year-old Trayvon Martin is to receive an honorary Bachelor of Science Degree in Aviation at the college’s commencement on May 13. According to the University, which is historically a college for African Americans, this degree will honor the steps 17-year-old Trayvon took during his life towards his dream of becoming a pilot.

Martin had his life cut short in 2012 by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman. As reported by the Huffington Post, Trayvon’s parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, will accept the degree on the teenager’s behalf at the college’s commencement.

Noting that Fulton is an alumna of HBCU, Florida Memorial University’s president, Roslyn Clark said in the announcement that the posthumous degree is important to their school. Clark said in the news release that Sybrina, their alumni, “epitomizes strength and dignity” in her work to uplift other victims of violence and is making changes for a more just and equal society.

Post-commencement fundraiser to benefit the Trayvon Martin Foundation

The HBCU will also be hosting a post-commencement fundraiser, from which part of the proceeds will be handed to The Trayvon Martin Foundation, headquartered at the college.

Dreams of becoming a pilot for Trayvon Martin

The Miami Herald notes that Fulton had said Trayvon was dreaming of becoming a pilot before he was killed when she spoke to the Tampa Bay Times back in 2012. The teen had reportedly studied at the George T. Baker Aviation School in his high school freshman year.

Trayvon’s uncle, Ronald Fulton, apparently inspired the teenager, as he had a short career in aviation.

The teenager was also influenced by Barrington Irving, who reportedly was the youngest person in 2007 to pilot a plane solo around the world.

Trayvon attended Irving’s summer youth programs and went on a plane with the pilot.

Fulton told the New York Times that Irving let him sit in the cockpit and that experience cemented Trayvon’s dreams of becoming a pilot. Fulton added that Trayvon was also mechanically inclined, adding he could fix almost anything.

Trayvon’s death leads to the creation of Black Lives Matter

After Zimmerman killed Trayvon five years ago, protests were sparked nationwide, leading to the creation of the Black Lives Matter movement. However, Zimmerman was acquitted on the charges of second-degree murder and manslaughter in 2013.