People in deep blue California may have had, at long last, enough. According to the Washington Times, a revolt is brewing over a massive, $52.4 billion tax hike imposed to finance an infrastructure repair and mass transit program. A drive has been mounted to put an initiative on the ballot to repeal the measure. Opponents are also starting a recall petition to oust state Sen. Josh Newman, a Democrat, seen as having cast the deciding vote for the tax increase. The proposition would be slated to go on the 2018 ballot, same time as the mid-term elections.
Why are Californians suddenly starting a tax revolt?
Gas has always been expensive in California, thanks to high taxes and environmental mandates. SB-1, the bill just passed that has Californians so irate, hiked the tax on gasoline by another 12 cents per gallon, along with a 20 cent increase on diesel, and higher vehicle registration fees.
Opponents of the bill noted that the matter was not presented to the voters as has usually been the case for sweeping legislation. Some claim that tax money raised for infrastructure repair has been diverted for other purposes.
California has a tradition of popular revolts against government overreach, using that state’s referendum system. Proposition 13 passed in the late 1970s and sparked a nationwide Tax Revolt that helped to elect Ronald Reagan president four years later.
The 2003 recall of then-Governor Gray Davis led to the election of actor Arnold Schwarzenegger for the state’s highest office.
Does the tax increase rollback have a chance of passing?
Some political observers note that many middle-class people, who have served as the backbone of past California tax revolts, has fled the state, chased out by high taxes and regulations that have been the cost of living there unsustainable.
Some politicians in Sacramento have cast aspersions on the whole effort, claiming that it is being driven by a few malcontent right-wing radio talk show hosts.
On the other hand, the principle of the straw that broke that camel’s back may be coming into play here. California has been lost to Republicans, for the most part, for decades.
The Democrats have enjoyed supermajorities in the state legislature and have been able to pass anything they want, including tax and spending increases, at will. The situation may have produced enough hubris to at least inciting the nemesis of the voters.
Will the tax revolt have any effect on the 2018 midterms?
As recent elections prove, predictions of what might happen a few years out are a fool’s errand. But one can see a scenario that involves numerous Democratic lawmakers, on both the state and federal level, losing their seats as a result of a tax revolt.
However, supporters of the tax increase will be counted on to mount a well-funded campaign to save it. In any case, California may be in for another old fashion battle over a proposition.