Last Tuesday, the US Senate approved the nation of Montenegro as NATO's 29th member. The move is supported by President Donald Trump while seen as a reprimand to Russia's mediation in Eastern Europe. A treaty for the Balkan country to join the organization came through on a 97-2 vote. The approval now goes to President Trump for the White House’s final confirmation. As of today, 25 NATO countries have endorsed Montenegro’s rise into the organization. The nation with a population of 620,000 is now seen as an international partner.
A union established despite Russia
This year’s NATO summit on May 25 will celebrate a new member and utilize the chance to reaffirm Washington's solid duty to the union. Montenegro's participation is NATO’s first extension since 2009 with Croatia and Albania. Montenegro has been a strong affiliate to Russia but relations with the country have been unstable as of late. Montenegro recently joined the European Union against Russia over its annexation in the Ukraine.
The feat of Montenegro in the U.S. vote comes just days after the Balkan country’s prosecutor accused Russians of initiating a plot during their election in October. Russia is also accused of meddling in the US presidential decision about a year ago.
US insight claims Russian officials released messages they hacked just to intentionally harm Hillary Clinton's platform.
The whole Soviet ordeal is an example of how certain countries must take the initiative to become allies to protect themselves. Senator Chris Murphy said during the vote, “I’m convinced that our alliance will be stronger if Montenegro joins.”
A few opposing views
Now everyone is ecstatic over Montenegro’s most recent achievement.
Of course, there is always that one bad apple that seems determined to spoil something. The Kremlin is against Montenegro's promotion. They have referred to it as a mere incitement. They believe the country is only being inducted into NATO because it would strengthen U.S. military forces in the Balkans.
Republicans Rand Paul and Mike Lee also voted against the inclusion of Montenegro into the NATO organization.