The vandalism was found by a Seattle police officer Friday morning. Rabbi Daniel Weiner of the Temple De Hirsch Sinai said the graffiti on the temple reads, “The Holocaust is fake history,” adding that the “s” letters were depicted as dollar signs. Fox 61 quoted Weiner as saying the vandalism is a “toxic mix” of Holocaust Denial, along with a claim that Jews are obsessed with money. He said added to this were the ideas emanating from President Donald Trump’s administration that facts are “fungible,” talking of “fake facts” and “fake history.”

Weiner said that shortly after the graffiti was discovered, a neighbor hung a bed sheet with the message “Love Wins” over the vandalism, which he said was a sweet and touching gesture.

However, the rabbi said they removed the sheet, as they deemed it important for people to see the graffiti.

Suspicious box placed outside synagogue’s door

Police reportedly found a box which they deemed suspicious, as it was placed outside a delivery door at the synagogue. However, the Seattle Times reported that, according to Seattle Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole, on opening the box, they found books someone had left as a donation to the synagogue.

Vandalism to synagogue investigated as hate crime

According to Weiner, police are investigating the vandalism as a hate crime, saying people in the neighborhood are “incredibly hurt and upset.” He has received phone calls from people who worship in the temple, many of whom have been supportive, but some were apparently defiant about the incident.

According to the rabbi, they are going to increase the security on the synagogue, but at the same time, they will not let those who terrorize them, define them.

Vandalism to Jewish cemeteries

As reported on Blasting News, there has been an increase in incidents of vandalism being experienced at Jewish cemeteries in the U.S.

in recent months, along with around 120 threats, affecting around three dozen states. Also, a bomb threat on February 27 caused the Stroum Jewish Community Center, located on Mercer Island to be evacuated. Patrick Michaud, a spokesman for the Seattle Police Department has stated that officers will patrol the area around the temple whenever they have extra time.

He also stated that at present, they do not have a suspect for the vandalism.

According to Weiner, he has been at the temple for 16 years and while they have experienced minor vandalism in the past, along with receiving a threatening phone call just after the election, he has seen nothing quite like this before. According to him, since the election and inauguration of President Trump, “previously marginalized” people now feel empowered and ready to express such hateful sentiments. He continued by saying that the majority of Americans need to “push back” against the hate and convey the fact that this is “still America.”