In a recent video hosted with YouTube, Nomi Konst, with The Young Turks, featured a new poll conducted by Fox News showing that U.S. Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders is the most-popular politician, or entity, in the United States. Sixty-one percent of those polled expressed a "favorable" view of Sanders, compared with only 32 percent who expressed an "unfavorable" view. Among those who stated a favorable view, 32 percent stated that they held the position "strongly," and 28 percent expressed that they "somewhat" held a favorable view of the independent senator from Vermont.

Planned Parenthood followed Bernie Sanders in the Fox News poll, attracting a favorable view from 57 percent of voters, and an unfavorable from 32 percent. Obamacare received 50 percent favorable, 47 percent unfavorable sentiments from the 1,008 voters Fox News spoke with. Those polled expressed favorable views of Vice President Mike Pence, President Donald Trump, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren, and Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan in 47, 44, 39, and 37 percent of cases, respectively.

Poll shows Americans support Planned Parenthood

Ms. Konst described President Trump's poll numbers as being "all over the place," and expressed the view that support garnered by Planned Parenthood is "fascinating." She cited the support of some "pro-choice" voters for Donald Trump during the 2016 Republican primaries, who held the view that the president truly held a pro-choice view, though he had publicly stated that women who undergo abortions deserve to be punished.

The TYT host stated that the pro-choice voter support of Trump was "unique to history," and noted a "shift" in the Republican Party that Democrats appear to have yet caught up with, missing Bernie Sanders' "economic message," which she compared with the writing of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and his view that "racial injustice is rooted in economic injustice." Konst stated the fact that over half of U.S.

voters appear to be supporting Planned Parenthood, while the Republican Congress is looking to "strip it."

Cenk Uygur: Bernie Sanders could have beaten Donald Trump

TYT founder Cenk Uygur held up the significance of a Fox News, viewed as possessing a conservative bias by some, poll finding that progressive Bernie Sanders is the most-popular politician in America, which was seconded by Jordan Chariton.

Mr. Uygur underlined that the poll wasn't one of the "ridiculous" ones the network sometimes performs with its viewers, and described it as a "real" and "scientific" poll. He also noted the findings of another recent poll that Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attracted a favorable rating from only 35 percent of those polled. Uygur asked establishment Democrats, and those who "bought into" their thinking, to concede that Bernie Sanders had a better chance than the former secretary of state at winning the November 2016 election against Donald Trump.

Despite the support for progressive positions from the U.S. electorate, Mr. Chariton expressed a belief that the movement is not being proportionately represented in the mainstream media.

The TYT host cited John Podesta's, Clinton campaign chairman, recent hire at The Washington Post, and the publication's seeming downplaying of the Vermont senator, describing him as "one of" the most-popular politicians in the United States today. Cenk Uygur made sure that TYT viewers understood the results of the Fox News poll: "not one of, the most-popular." "By far," Nomi Konst added.