One of England's hottest new tourist attractions is the Southwell Minster church in Nottinghamshire, thanks to a 700-year-old stone carving that bears a striking resemblance to Donald Trump. The ancient gargoyle's similarity to the president -- right down to the comb-over hairstyle -- was first observed by Samira Ahmed, a British journalist who photographed the bizarre statue and shared in on social media.
Vicar notes similarity in hairstyles
According to the Nottingham Post, Ahmed stopped at the historic cathedral while vacationing with her family because her husband is obsessed with old churches. The vicar of the church, Rev. Nigel Coates, told the paper: "We knew the head well, but none of us had spotted the Donald Trump hairstyle before. It's really the hairstyle that is similar."
Unfortunately for President Trump, the statue's juxtaposition among the church's other ancient stone faces might present a blow to his ego; the uncanny gargoyle is on the "lower level" of heads, unlike kings and queens whose carved faces adorn the upper level.
Not a work of modern hoaxery
The presidential gargoyle is one of 280 heads that can be found at the historic church. Carved during the 14th-century out of stone quarried from nearby Mansfield, the strange relic is entirely original, except for some minor plaster renovations that were made in the 19th century. The Trump gargoyle can be found near the pulpitum, which divides the nave from the choir.
Ever since Samira Ahmed's photo was uploaded to Twitter last year, hundreds of curiosity-seekers have visited the Southwell Minster church to sneak a peek at the odd sculpture, which was carved by an unknown artist. "I think it's weird, but very appropriate, that I found it. I think it's fascinating, because it looks so modern," said the London-based journalist to the Nottingham Post.
The ancient church is an important part of English history. King Charles the First was captured in Southwell during the English Civil War, and during the fighting horses were stabled in the nave of the cathedral.