Monday night ended with Michael Flynn bringing Russia back to the headlines with his resignation as Trump's National Security Advisor, while Keith Olbermann called for his arrest on his internet show called "The Resistance". President Trump's ties to Russia seem to continue to follow him around with reports that in December, Michael Flynn had discussed lifting sanctions with the Russian ambassador to Washington in secret.

The scandal grew when it was discovered that he wasn't very forthcoming with the information to Vice President Mike Pence.

Much has been made of Michael Flynn and his ties with Russia after an image of him sitting at a dinner next to Russian President Vladimir Putin was circulated last year during the presidential race. This added to the view that then candidate and then President-elect Donald Trump had more connections to Russia than initially thought. Keith Olbermann returned with a new episode of "The Resistance" for "Gentleman Quarterly" to deliver an incendiary attack on Trump's presidency and on Michael Flynn right about the time that headlines said he had resigned.

Pressure mounting on Michael Flynn over the weekend

The Trump White House couldn't seem to control the intelligence leaks which said Flynn tried to cover up the call he made to Russia, about lifting sanctions. A report by "Blasting News" talked about the chaos that has been the first four weeks of the Trump administration, with doubts that there were any conflicts among the staff. But those conflicts now appear to have been confirmed by the resignation of the loyal Trump surrogate. Prior to this, there have been reports that the Justice Department told the White House that one of their advisors could be vulnerable to blackmail. Originally, it was former acting attorney general Sally Yates in December who Trump fired after she refused to uphold his ban against Muslims from select countries.

His call with Russia was already known to many former intelligence officials James Clapper and John Brennan, left over from the Obama administration, who were leaving before President Trump's team would come in. Over the weekend, senior policy advisor Stephen Miller was questioned on "Meet The Press" about Michael Flynn but only gave vague answers. But it was reported that another advisor Kellyanne Conway said that President Trump was confident with Michael Flynn staying on. But during a press conference with press secretary Sean Spicer, he said they were evaluating the issue.

Keith Olbermann goes on the attack

Prior to Michael Flynn resigning over his scandal, Keith Olbermann released a video calling for the indictment, the immediate arrest, immediate suspension, resignation, dismissal, and investigation of Michael Flynn on charges that he violated the Logan Act.

The Logan Act says that unauthorized U.S. citizens cannot negotiate with nations who are having disputes with the U.S., in this case, Russia. But Olbermann doesn't just want Michael Flynn taken down, he also calls for similar action against Donald Trump but as an unindicted co-conspirator with directions towards impeachment.

Even more, Keith Olbermann's suggestion recalls Michael Flynn during the Obama administration when was also in contact with Russia. Then, he was Director of Defense Intelligence but was fired by President Obama for not taking direction and being unruly. The conversations with Russia are what Keith describes as being considered so "coincidentally" small that they're laughable.

Any pending investigation on Trump's association with Russia has been looking for clear evidence that any conversations had taken place and according to Olbermann, they did. He describes how Michael Flynn told Putin to wait until Trump became president so they could do something about the sanctions. Here is a very direct Keith Olbermann with the latest video from "The Resistance" where he calls Michael Flynn a traitor for his ties to Russia; in so many words.