One can only make claims and accusations for so long before even the general public will say put up or shut up. Off and on, Donald Trump will bring up his belief or attempt to instill a belief that he was cheated out of the popular vote during the presidential election. According to him, 3 to 5 million illegal votes went to his rival, Hillary Clinton. On Thursday, Trump put forth another claim of voter fraud, alleging that he and then-Senator Kelly Ayotte lost new hampshire because “thousands” of people from Massachusetts were illegally bused into the state to vote.
Now, one member of the Federal Election Commission is fed up and wants evidence. FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub, who is a Democrat but was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2002, says allegations of this magnitude must not be ignored, the charges were extraordinarily serious and too specific.
Weintraub added that under New Hampshire law, Trump’s claims of voter fraud would definitely constitute massive felony criminal offenses. The president had spoken before a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators when he said thousands of people boarded buses in Massachusetts for the purpose of thwarting his win in New Hampshire.
He further stated that Kelly Ayotte was a voting casualty as a result of all this illegal voting.
There is one tiny thing never mentioned
In Trump’s quest to bring attention to voter fraud, he is thoughtful enough to point out examples like “dead people voting” and people voting in more than one state. However, and this is not to say they have done anything illegal, but the president failed to mention that his own daughter Tiffany and son-in-law Jared Kushner were registered to vote in more than one state. It happens. You just don’t vote in more than one state.
An investigation could actually lead to a real end to voter fraud
Voter fraud does exist, but experts agree that is it nowhere near the scale Donald Trump claims.
Ellen Weintraub is asking the president to share his evidence with the proper authorities, as well as with the public, so that his claims can be investigated thoroughly and swiftly. Last Sunday, Trump announced that he was putting Vice President Mike Pence in charge of a special commission that will look in to voter fraud.