Controversy is brewing over the latest Super Bowl commercial, recently released by popular beer company budweiser. While the world protests U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s immigration ban, Budweiser made their own stand by including a fictionalized version of the story of how their co-founder, Adolphus Busch, emigrated to the U.S. from Germany back in 1857 in their latest commercial.

The ad was released on YouTube on Tuesday this week, following the controversial executive order signed by Trump the previous Friday, barring both refugees and also citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.

for a 90-day period. While many viewers have applauded the video, the commercial has drawn criticism from various conservatives, including former V.P. nominee, Sarah Palin. Palin almost immediately hit the Twittersphere, saying the commercial had a “politically charged message” and that it has left many Americans “speechless.”

Budweiser wishes to highlight their heritage and commitment in the Super Bowl ad

However, a representative for Budweiser stands behind their choice of content for their commercial, saying their intent was to showcase the company’s heritage and founder Busch’s resolve.

In a statement published by Variety, marketing VP Marcel Marcondes of Anheuser-Busch InBev explained that the Super Bowl commercial is a story of their heritage and the uncompromising commitment they put into brewing their product.

In the video clip, included below, entitled “Born the Hard Way,” Busch encounters a hostile crowd as he arrives in the U.S.

who tell him he is not wanted there and that he must go back home. However he continues on his travels and finally arrives in St. Louis, where he receives a warm and friendly greeting.

Along the way, the commercial depicts Busch’s harrowing and difficult boat journey to America, where a stranger, stitching up a head wound, asks him why he left Germany.

Busch turns to the man and tells him he wants to brew beer.

We then see Busch sitting in a bar, where a fellow traveler turns to Busch, saying he didn’t look like he was from around there. The stranger then offers to buy Busch a beer and it is revealed that he is Busch’s future partner in Budweiser, Eberhard Anheuser.

Budweiser could get attacked on Twitter

The Chicago Tribune points out that according to Forbes magazine, the worth of the Budweiser brand stands at around $23.4 billion, and reports that the timing of this ad is very relevant, referring to Trump’s temporary immigration ban.

The newspaper also quotes Allen Adamson of BrandSimple Consulting, who said the ad has a relevant theme that will resonate with half the U.S.

However, Adamson added that in the current world situation, this could easily also upset the other half of the country and be seen as a political statement - and not in a good way - and could end up affecting the company’s bottom line.

Whatever the company’s motivation behind the Super Bowl commercial, with Trump’s fondness for Twitter, Budweiser could find themselves a target of a vindictive Twitter attack for their actions. In the meantime, Twitter users from both sides of the political line have left their messages: