President Trump probably wants to lock singer Madonna up after she let her feelings be known at the Women’s March on Washington today. Madonna’s use of salty language had cable news anchors scrambling and cutting away until finally, they had to concede. It is Madonna, not Mother Teresa. Madge stood on the main stage near the National Mall, greeted the crowd with enthusiasm, and then gave a big F*** You to all detractors who thought this new, worldwide movement wouldn’t amount to anything.

She dropped f-bombs like it was World War III. The pop icon not only admitted to being outraged, but even confessed to having impure thoughts of blowing up the White House. Instead, she says she chose love.

A feminist icon as well, Madonna took several digs at the new president even though organizers insisted the event was more of a pro-women than an anti-Trump gathering. The “Like A Virgin” singer added that it took this horrific moment of darkness to wake us the bleep up. She dedicated her song “Express Yourself” to D.T., saying she could not even stand to say his name, but the letter D could stand for, well, another expletive.

The Women’s March on Washington

To say the Women’s March on Washington is unprecedented is an understatement. People from all walks of life, from all over the world came out to express themselves in a tremendous show of solidarity. Males and females of all colors and faiths proudly took a united stance. Washington, D.C. was overwhelmingly populated with more participants than expected. So much so that their Metro subway system was over-crowded and satellites could not handle cell phone receptions for approximately five hours.

The impact of demonstrations

Political protests and uprisings can either be violent or peaceful. They can also bring about change. Reportedly, the Women’s Suffrage movement helped to bring about women having the right to vote.

The anti-war demonstrations against Vietnam ultimately brought that ugly conflict to an end. Mahatma Gandhi’s Salt March eventually turned world sympathy toward India instead of Great Britain. The Boston Tea Party was a precursor to the American Revolution. And there was another march on Washington in 1963, wherein Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his historic “I Have a Dream” speech. Over 200,000 demonstrators gathered at the Lincoln Memorial, and that event is credited with pressuring JFK to create firm civil rights legislation.