Apparently, some Democrats are still having a hard time accepting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. On Friday, as Vice President Joe Biden presided over the official Electoral College vote tally during a joint session of Congress, the proceedings were marred by objections and interruptions from several Democratic lawmakers. The unbecoming display seemingly rubbed Biden the wrong way, forcing him to cut off U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal as she made a futile and desperate attempt to question the validity of the election results.
Biden's gavel shuts down Jayapal
Jayapal, who represents the 7th Congressional District in the Seattle area, stood up to object to the electoral vote certification. Before she completed her sentence the Democratic congresswoman was quickly gavelled down by Biden, who informed her that such objections needed to be in writing and signed by a member of the House and a member of the Senate.
Dispensing with protocol, Jayapal continued talking over Biden's objections before being gavelled down once more. When Biden again reminded the unruly congresswoman of the rules, Jayapal conceded that her objection had not been signed by a House or Senate member.
"It is over," declared Biden.
Ryan appeared to be enjoying the show
The futile, last-ditch effort on behalf of several progressive House Democrats to prevent a Trump presidency drew laughter from some lawmakers and applause from others. House Speaker Paul Ryan chuckled as Joe Biden gavelled down Pramila Jayapal's objection. Other objectors were greeted with a chorus of boos from Republicans.
At one point during the joint session, Rep. Maxine Walters, a Democrat from California, stood up and begged her colleagues to join her effort to keep Trump out of the White House. Her plea was met with boos and jeers from Republican lawmakers.
In an interview after the official vote tally, Jayapal continued to plead her case, stating that she disagreed with Vice President Biden's decision to cut her off. “It was really important, from my personal perspective, for the American people to know we understand the issues with the way this election happened,” said Jayapal, as reported by the Seattle Times.