France has the largest Muslim population percentage-wise in the EU. Home to nearly 6 million Muslims mostly from the previous French colonies of Africa these men and women remain a potential threat to the French. Most are peaceful but a small fringe has raised the heckles of the French by terrorist acts. On top of this, a flood of migrants, mostly maleand Muslim from Afghanistan and Somalia have entered France in the hope of reaching England. The British want none of these refugees and thus they are stranded in France.
Calais camp
One of the biggest camps was at Calais just 22 miles from theirdestination, England.
These migrants set up a massive camp where nearly 10,000 of them lived in squalor in the hope that one day they would be able to go to the UK. With the UK not relenting a decision was taken to relocate these refugees to different parts of France in the hope that it would help them assimilate with French ethos and culture. This news was reported by CNN and NDTV.
The French police descended on the refugee camp replete with trucks and transportation vehicles and therefugees were broken into batches and taken to some 100 "welcome centers" all around the country. The refugees did not resist but their hope of reaching the UK has certainly become dimmer. In addition, they remain unwelcome in France itself, which now has a morbid fear of these refugees.
The fact that most of the refugees are young males adds to the problem as has been seen in Germany where there is a rise in attacks on women from migrants.
The future
The French decision to relocate the migrants is not welcomed by most welcome centers and the local population. In Saint-Bauzille-de-Putois there is no welcome, and the 43 migrants who are all Muslim men and single from Sudan have been welcomed with posters and graffiti with the words "Stop Migrants." The case of this village is just an example that the migrants are unwelcome.
Many are incensed like the mayor of Bauzille who has resigned on this issue. The fact is the migrants are unwelcome in France. Perhaps it has something to do with the color bar as well as the religion they profess. But France will have to bite the bullet as these refugees cannot go anywhere else.