Baby Boomers make up the largest percentage of any age demographic in the United States. With the country's life expectancy steadily creeping toward 80 years of age, one would think this would be a reason for celebration. In fact, a quick snapshot of the average American would show that although Americans are living longer, their Quality Of Life is becoming more compromised and less functional than in previous generations. For Boomers, the cost of medical care is skyrocketing due to countless preventable diseases. It is time for this demographic to take action and exemplify to future generations what it means to age gracefully with a healthy and happy lifestyle.


It is imperative to use exercise as a means of preventative medicine. With the average hospital stay now eclipsing $10,000 per day; exercise may be the best choice Baby Boomers can make for themselves as well as their pocketbook in 2018. With the Census Bureau reporting that many Boomers are not prepared to combat medical costs, the time to act is now! By incorporating exercise, Boomers will have a better chance of being able to maintain and sustain their desired quality of life, and level of independence. That being said, 70 percent of Boomers are overweight, leading to all sorts of unplanned health ramifications and maladies including, but not limited to, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, and more severe types of cardiovascular diseases.

Adhering to a healthy lifestyle could greatly contribute to the reduction of these potentially fatal diseases.


A healthy lifestyle isn't limited to just maintaining a healthy weight, but works in concert with managing stress levels, and mental wellbeing. Countless studies have shown that consistent exercise was as effective for people with mild to moderate depression as using Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (the most widely prescribed antidepressant medications).

On top of being effective to combat some types of depression, exercise has fewer contraindications, allowing it to be more readily available to the general population.


It is never too late for a Baby Boomer, (or any individual) to begin an exercise regime. People will reap the benefits on the cellular level almost immediately.

As people age, they begin to lose one-to-two percent of their muscle mass per year. Combatting age-related muscle loss should be a priority for everyone, regardless of age or gender. This becomes very important as the incidences of osteoporosis become more prevalent, especially for women as they age. Don't worry, it is possible to increase strength and function whether you're 30 or 80. So let's get moving!