Making money online as a side job may not be a get rich quick lifestyle, but you can be sure to pull in a little cash here and there. Whether it's taking surveys, or reviewing websites, there are many different places you can earn a few dollars, while sitting on your computer at home. Here are some of the best websites to use when considering this opportunity.


User testing is a unique website, in which you will review other companies websites to help them better understand how their sites are navigated and functioning for the customer.

Once you sign up, you will take a sample test to ensure you have what it takes for the job. Once you have completed this test, you will be ready to start making money. User testing will offer a variety of tests for you ranging from 5 minutes to 15 or 20 minutes. For a short test, you can make around $3, but for a longer one, you will earn up to $10. This is an easy way to earn some cash quickly, and all you have to do is select tests you want to take, and review websites using an onscreen recorder all provided by User testing.


Swagbucks is a website that rewards users for taking surveys, watching movie trailers, signing up for different websites, shopping through their site by offering SB's (Swagbucks) over time you complete a task.

These bucks can then be used to redeem gift cards, such as Amazon, Paypal, and many other types. This website makes it more than easy to participate, and once you're signed up, you can log in anytime and start earning money immediately.


The last website recommended to use in order to make some money working online is Neobux.

Neobux is a paid to click site, in which you get paid to click on advertisements. Although the amounts for each click may be very small, you can quickly cause these to add up, as well as participate in what is known as Adprize. Adprize opportunities are offered overtime you click on an advertisement, and winning a prize could put immediate cash into your account.

You can also have referrals, in which you buy referrals and each click they make will earn you money as well. This being said, you could build up your account for a long time and make a steady amount of money each month.

All in all, making Money Online is a possible option if you are looking for some extra cash. There are many other ways out there as well that provide you with these opportunities and you never know where you may be the most successful.