The Supreme Leader of the liberal Christian Universal Life Church, His Eminence Elias I., has enacted a new dogma for all members of this international church with over one million believers in more than 70 countries. The Supreme Leader issued a statement in which he stresses the importance that all Christians are born into a state of grace which cannot be left, even by the most severe sinner.

His Eminence declared that every human being is born as a divine being, will live as a divine being and die with the same connection to God with which he or she was born. Nobody could fall out of grace, the Supreme Leader explained, and nobody can take this grace away as it is omnipresent by means of the Holy Spirit.

Ignorance is the only danger!

At the same time, His Eminence warned that ignorance of this unconditional grace is a real danger for a Christian believer as opposing the idea of being loved unconditionally by God would create unnecessary pain and obsessing with the ideas of sin and other negative thought patterns.

At the same time, everybody has been endowed by God with the immeasurable gift of free will. Therefore fate as such would be created through an interaction of a human's free will and the Holy Spirit, His Eminence declared. In this context, His Eminence enacted a dogmatic order which obliges all members of The Christian Universal Life Church to focus on doing which is good and right instead of focussing on avoiding to commit a sin. Personal reality grows out of the attitude we all have towards life and the divine. The Supreme Leader has always been concerned with the danger that brothers and sisters in Christ focus too much on what they want to avoid instead of what they should do. "Whatever is in a person's mind will create his or her reality as the Holy Spirit is interacting with deep-rooted convictions," His Eminence explained in a letter to the clergy of the church.


The new dogma has so far been well received, even despite that fact that Her Eminence Reverend Agnetha, Head of the Congregation for the Faith had promoted a more conservative approach in this matter. However, as the Supreme Leader is the final authority within the Christian Universal Life Church his word is binding and incontestable. However, attentive observers familiar with the power structures within the church presume that the next dogmatic decision will be more conservative to satisfy the traditional wing of this basically rather liberal church.