"Fallout 76" was finally addressed at this year's E3 2018, according to the Bethesda's press conference that occurred yesterday, June 10. The E3 press conferences have been in full swing since Saturday, June 9, and yesterday, Bethesda spoke about all of the upcoming titles to expect in the near and distant future.

While there were many exciting reveals for both Xbox [VIDEO] and PS4 [VIDEO] during the announcements, one of the most anticipated games of the year was revealed.

"Fallout 76" was spoken about in detail and the release date was revealed. Read on to learn about what we learned about it at this year's E3 2018.

'Fallout 76' is not single-player

Todd Howard, the director of Bethesda, spoke in-depth about what makes this game different from previously released titles. The many popular universes from Bethesda are famous for their single-player structure, but Howard spoke of their dream to combine the elements of their games so far with the components of multiplayer. While the official reveal article on their website does not go as in-depth as Howard did at the conference, he did explain this choice.

"Fallout 76" will be online, but the world you play in will only have dozens of players rather than thousands or more. Howard mentioned in his explanation, "this is the apocalypse, not an amusement park," and rightfully so.

Players will be able to play with their friends against other small groups in this new world. You can also travel to your friends' locations and all of your progress will go with you. As mentioned before, if you are a player that prefers to go it alone, the original single player feel is still available to you. Howard also explained that you can still complete your quests and roam the wasteland without the need of other players. Your experience will also be improved by the new size of the map to accommodate the multi-player aspect, which is four times larger than "Fallout 4".

Other new game features

The website's official reveal article describes the story as follows: "Reclamation Day, 2102. Twenty-five years after the bombs fall, you and your fellow Vault Dwellers - chosen from the nation's best and brightest - emerge into post-nuclear America." The new game is said to act as a prequel for the other additions to the series. The setting is in West Virginia, and the creators of the game also incorporated elements of the state's local folklore into the game.

In terms of the game's gameplay features, Howard addressed concerns about the difficulty level of survival. He jokingly called the difficulty "softcore survival" in that dying does not affect any of your progress.

Also, players are given access to nuclear missiles. These bases are scattered throughout the map and must be accessed with a combination of access codes, after which, if you can reach the launch controls, you can fire a nuclear missile anywhere you choose on the map. The destruction zone yields rare resources and highly radioactive monsters.

Access to a beta version

The press conference also revealed that the B.E.T.A., or the "Break-It Early Test Application" version is available through pre-order of the game, where you can try it out before anyone else. In addition to this, the "Fallout 76 Power Armor Edition" is also available for pre-order and includes a "full-scale wearable T-51 power armor helmet" as well as collectible figurines and other limited edition merchandise.

This exciting fan pack is available for $199.99 USD on the Bethesda website.

Release date and trailer

"Fallout 76" will launch on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC on November 14. They also revealed the trailer both on their Twitter account and on their official YouTube channel, which you can view below.

You can also purchase the game's theme song on iTunes to benefit Habitat for Humanity, as also revealed on their Twitter.

For "Fallout" franchise fans, this game is different, but still provides all of the original features we know and love from the series, along with exciting new material to explore.