Gearbox Studios is widely known for its 'Borderlands' series. However, in 2016, the company also launched an online multiplayer game, named 'Battleborn'. The game debuted in May last year and was a moderate hit among fans. Now, the creative director for 'Battleborn', Randy Varnell, claims that the game will not be getting any more updates or content, post the release of the Fall update, later this year.
'Battleborn' updates
In a forum post on September 15, Varnell revealed that the studio had no more battleplans or updates lined up for the game after the Fall update.
He stated that the creators will now start focusing on a highly-anticipated title from Gearbox Studios. The developers have hinted at the game that they are currently engaged in and most fans believe it to be the much-awaited 'Borderlands 3' title. Gearbox has yet to confirm this though.
Varnell comforted 'Battleborn' fans and players by saying that even though there would be no new content for the game, the online servers would still be running for the foreseeable future. This means that players will be able to engage in the online game, even after the developers have stopped rolling out fresh updates. He claimed that any future content or changes in the game will be revealed through forum posts or through the social media platforms.
The Fall update will bring many new additions to the game. It was announced at PAX West and will include Borderlands themed outfits for game characters. Apart from this, it is also said to bring new taunts and finisher boosts. Minor balance changes are also inbound with the impending update. Being the last update for the game, the developers will hope it turns out as well as fans are hoping.
'Battleborn's' popularity and competition with 'Overwatch'
Even though Gearbox's game was well-received upon release, it faced tough competition from Blizzard's 'Overwatch'. "Overwatch" was similar to 'Battleborn' by many accounts and several gamers eventually started playing 'Overwatch' instead. Gearbox had to cut down on the price of its game by half on the day that 'Overwatch' released, to maintain its player base.
Eventually, 'Battleborn' became free to play. However, it still could not muster the traction that 'Overwatch' enjoyed since release.
So, on Friday's forum post, Varnell expressed his gratitude to the fans who stuck with the game and played it for over a year. He also revealed that he had been engaged with the 'Battleborn' project since 2009 and was proud to have seen his hard work being rewarded by the gamers. Gearbox fans will now be looking forward to the announcement of the new game from the studios.