“BB19” spoilers now reveal the Week 9 nominations for eviction. The “Big Brother 19” season is down to just eight people, so everything is important in the house now. This includes the new Head of Household revealing who he wants to target for eviction. It’s not a surprise at all, as these were the targets it was assumed he would go after as soon as he won the HOH late Thursday night (Aug. 24).
As confirmed by Joker’s Updates, new Head of Household Jason Dent has nominated Raven Walton and Matt Clines for eviction. This is one of the three showmances that has been taking place during the summer 2017 season and could soon be broken up if they don’t find some success at the Veto Competition later this weekend.
These “BB19” spoilers might also reveal that they aren’t the primary target.
Why didn’t Jason Dent nominate Kevin Schlehuber for eviction?
The ultimate plan by Jason Dent, Alex Ow, and Paul Abrahamian could be to get Kevin Schlehuber out this week. This strategy allows the “BB19” house to play for the Power of Veto without Kevin, unless he becomes one of the randomly drawn participants on Saturday (Aug. 26). That would add a bit of drama to the situation, but Kevin has been very unsuccessful at winning anything during “Big Brother 19.”
Jason won the latest HOH Competition thanks to Alex Ow dropping out on purpose. Alex felt that she would still be able to provide a lot of the input for the week and that is exactly what she did.
Alex even met with Paul about how the nominations should go this week, which might typically seem like an odd endeavor since neither one is in charge of the “BB19” house right now. Or are they? That's Reality TV right there, where anything can shift.
Are Raven Walton and Matt Clines doomed?
Raven and Matt will each have an opportunity to win the Power of Veto later this weekend, meaning that they could still control their own destiny.
The couple is, of course, worried that no matter what they do, that one of them will still be on the block for the next Eviction Ceremony. Those “BB19” spoilers won’t matter just yet, but they have to make sure one of them is taken off the block at the Veto Ceremony.
If they haven’t figured it out yet, Raven Walton and Matt Clines need to wake up and notice that they aren’t in a strong alliance with anyone.
Paul Abrahamian wants to break them up so that Raven will come work with him, while every other duo would like this showmance to get broken up as soon as possible. When Mark Jansen got evicted, Raven and Matt missed out on a golden opportunity to team up with him. Now, the latest “BB19” spoilers put them in a tough position, especially since they don’t know who to trust in the game.