With the recent violent attacks in schools and public spaces, more and more people are advocating for mental health. Mental health issues plague more people globally than most people think and it has been linked to the stressful and unhealthy lives that we live. While mental health is a broad spectrum of different factors, there is one behavior that we often see but gloss over on a daily basis, and that's road rage.

Road rage is when a driver gets very upset behind the wheel when someone cuts them off, can't get past the red light, or experience too much traffic, among other reasons.

The fact that there are too many people actually causes people to become upset or angry. Park Ridge, Illinois psychotherapist Dr, Barry Markell told WebMD that studies on rats that experience aggression when placed together in small spaces reflect the same behavior as humans do when stuck on a road full of traffic. He said, "Rats are usually OK until there is one rat too many in an enclosed space and then they all turn on each other. There are far more people on the road than ever before. Crowding causes aggression." And because drivers see cars and not people, they easily target it as an object, not as a human being with families and loved ones. Here's how to keep your road rage in check while out on the streets.

1. Be mindful of your reactions

Yes, mindfulness can come in handy when driving, especially when someone cuts you off on the road, or you are on the receiving end of someone else's road rage. Threat assessment expert Dr. Steve Albrecht explained to Men's Health that road ragers often use their automobiles to "punish" others for violating them.

But instead of acting on that anger, one should "remain purposeful and not impulsive." Take a deep breath and don't make eye contact or taunt the other driver by making faces. Train yourself to react neutrally or positively instead.

2. Leave earlier

Time is of the essence and we're often pressed for time but leaving 10-15 minutes earlier can be the difference between a great commute and a very bad one.

3. Get enough sleep

Health authorities have always highlighted the positive effects of having ample, quality sleep. According to WebMD, lack of sleep causes loss of control, which is why some people easily snap into a road rage. Rest well to be a better driver.

4. Be mindful of others

Instead of treating cars on the road as objects, think of the people inside them. All of us want to get to work on time, but sometimes, things beyond our control prevent us from doing so. Men's Health suggests being more "community-minded" and to change our perspective to become more forgiving of others, especially on the road.

5. Put photos of your loved ones or your pet in your car

It will serve as a gentle reminder that you would want to come home to them safe and alive. If none of these techniques help, try getting in touch with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for professional services and support groups.