This Women's History Month, we're proud to celebrate the contributions of women to our history as a people and as a human race. We've come so far and yet have miles to go, but it's always good to celebrate even the littlest things and the smallest victories. Take this brave mom, for example, who caught a Hawk with her very own hands in order to protect her Chickens from being the hawk's lunch. The story was reported by Mashable, when on Sunday (March 18), Twitter user @Jackalcakes shared a photo of her mother holding a hawk, with the caption, "My mother caught a hawk while it was diving to get her chickens and it just has the most confused face ever that this could have gone so wrong."
The brave mom who caught a hawk with her bare hands is suddenly an internet sensation and an example of a modern-day Amazon, given her hawk-catching skills.
The photo from @Jackalcakes went viral, with over 57,000 likes and 21,000 people replying to and engaging with the tweet, thanks to the hawk's very confused face. Twitter users were quick to react to the photo, with some commenting that the mom probably had to dive to capture that hawk, just like football players do. Some also responded with memes, indicating what was going through the hawk's mind, especially with his facial expression. One of the best reactions was that of Twitter users @_resinsweet and @MintChocoPanda, which can be seen below.
Hawks and chickens
This is not the first time a brave mom protected her chickens from a hawk. In fact, Wide Open Pets reported a few months ago that Peggy Hoelting from St.
Louis also saved her chickens from an attacking red-tailed hawk. Unlike @Jackalcakes's mother though, Hoelting admitted that she "didn't want to hurt it" despite the hawk having grasped the wing of one of her chickens. Instead, she used a wooden post and her own voice to scare off the hawk. It went away but twice attempted to come back to get its talons on some chickens.
The hungry hawk failed, however, as Hoelting kept her chickens safe in a coop and a wire dog crate.
My mother caught a hawk while it was diving to get her chickens and it just has the most confused face ever that this could have gone so wrong
— Herro: CA 🔜 NM 🔜 FL 🔜 GA (@Jackalcakes) March 19, 2018
The hawk trying to figure out what happened
— lorri (@_resinsweet) March 19, 2018
*record scratch*
— Assistant Senpai (@MintyChocoPanda) March 19, 2018
[Freeze frame]
"Yup, thats me. I bet you're wondering how I got in this situation..."
Preventing hawk attacks
If you're a farmer or someone who raises chickens in areas where hawks are common, it's best to take some extra precaution, lest you want to be a brave mom and capture hawks with your own bare hands too.
Hobby Farms recommends that for those who have free-range chickens, it might be good to create an enclosure or a run that's connected to the coop to protect from swarming hawks. Hawks are also repelled by shiny objects, so it's best to place mirrors or reflective tape to drive away predatory birds. Note that it's best to have non-invasive chicken safety tactics on hand, as hawks are protected by federal law in the United States.