A savings is all about putting aside some of your daily, weekly, or monthly income to be used in the future. Saving Money is not really hard, but sometimes the hardest part of saving money is starting. It is very important for you to map out Simple Ways to save your money for your future and how to use your savings to achieve your financial goals. The goals can be anything. That can include a housing plan, education funds, and even for some emergencies like health. Information from this article was taken from reports by Better Money Habits and America Saves,

I’ll present to you simple ways to save some money, but before that, I’ll tell you why it’s important for you to save money.

Why should you save some money today?

  • You should save some money in case of emergency. You should set aside an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses. This can include an unexpected job loss, car repair, sudden illness or even the death of a family member.
  • You should save for retirement. It’s worth knowing that the sooner you start saving, the more you'll have in the future and the easier it’ll be for you.
  • Save for your education. Sometime in the future, you might want to achieve your masters or doctorate degrees. Aside from that, you should also consider saving some money for your children’s education.
  • Save for vacations, holidays and other luxury items. You might need to go on picnics, tours or holidays.
  • Save for when times are lean. It is money that you set aside for future improvements and repairs. This can also include things like getting a new house or getting a family car. This will stop you from dipping your hand into the emergency savings when the need arises.

Simple ways to save money

  • Keep a record of your expenses. You need to keep track of everything you buy. Try keeping a record of all your expenses; you can make use of bank drafts for this. Many banks send monthly bank statements and if your bank doesn’t do that, contact customer care.
  • Make a budget of what you’ll buy in a month and stand by it. Your budget should be a measure of how your expenses measure up to your total income. This can help you plan how you spend your money and limit over-spending.
  • Know what you are saving for. Is it for your retirement, education or emergency?
  • Avoid impulse buying.
  • Make all of your payments automatic
  • Make a savings plan.
  • Save your loose change. That little 20 cents change can in a year accumulate to a big sum of money.
  • Shop by unit price.