The computers evolution that changed the world, from the "room sized" computers, and now to the smartphones in your pocket. They all have chips inside of them. The chip is the heart of the creation. Without them, there won't be any computers, robots, smartphones and other technology goods. From the beginning of all of these creations, the point was to make the chip smaller, but with much more power and more effect than the previous versions. But there was a problem, they didn't know if its possible to go for a smaller technology chips. So IBM came up with a researches about this theme.

The past Thursday, IBM published results that show how miniaturization can continue and move ahead, and still have better results with the new chips. Their researches show that the chips can be built with carbon nanotubes.The nanotubes are most likely cylinders. Their walls are made of single layer of carbon atoms which arelinked together, and they look like a hexagonal lattice pattern. They areabout 10.000 times smaller than a human hair. By making the chips smaller and more powerful, the computing industry is going forward. This progress gave us desktop computers, laptops, mobile phones and other stuff. This progress also helped Google to have sense of the web, and on the Facebook "face recognizing" of your friends faces on photos.

But there wasn't a planned point where this progress would stop. So it looks like IBM broke the glass.

The microprocessor industryis trying to find a way out of the today's problems, but IBM focused on the carbon nanotubes. It expects that nanotubes will be used for chips in everything! What they have found, is that its better to connect the nanotubes to the microprocessors so they can conduct electricity when they are turned on.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of challenges coming by. First, the kind of the nanotubes (semiconducting and metallic), if they produce with the metallic one, then the transistors will be ruined. The other challenge is the manufacturing. The chip making technology today, known as photolithography, emits light patterns on the silicon wafers, which are used to make the chips.

These patterns are used for carving portions of the material, leaving the chip circuit behind.

The Carbon nanotubes require materials which will be applied to the chip with extreme good precision.

The main question is: Will IBM bring success with this plan?

What do you think? Let us know.