The release of the trailer of the sequel to “Blade Runner 2049” has sparked movie buffs’ interest. The film, after all, stars Ryan Gosling together with Harrison Ford, who reprises his role as Rick Deckard, the protagonist in the original flick.
The sequel promises to be more than a retreading of the original film. The trailer has raised speculations on why exactly Gosling’s character is trailing Deckard. Some people theorized that he might be Deckard’s son, so he may be tracing his lineage.
The vision of Ridley Scott
It is interesting to note that Ridley Scott acknowledged that he envisioned Deckard to be a replicant.
That has sparked “Blade Runner" fans’ curiosity, more so now that the fictional universe where the movie takes place is once again explored.
While "Blade Runner" fans were thrilled that a sequel is about to be shown, others have expressed that recreating a classic is treading dangerous territory.
Besides Gosling and Ford, also igniting attention is Jared Leto. Based on the bestselling novel “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” the upcoming film is directed by Denis Villeneuve. The “Arrival” director has stepped into the shoes of Ridley Scott, who helmed the1982 feature film.
Blade Runner sequel's drawing power
The new movie that is anticipated to be among this year’s last-quarter high-grossers will have a virtual reality format through the collaboration of tech firm Oculus VR and Alcon Entertainment.
It will be shown in IMAX and 3D IMAX in theaters.
“Blade Runner 2049” as a follow-through to the original film features deserted ruins and a climate that has gone from bad to worst. Various elements are working in the upcoming movie's favor, apart from the bankable Hollywood actors playing the lead roles.
Among the things to watch out for is the musical score.
The creative tandem of Jóhann Jóhannsson and Denis is once again brought to the fore. Villeneuve has been likened to “Dunkirk” and “Inception” Director-Producer Christopher Nolan.
With Denis Villeneuve being man-at-the-directorial-helm for the “Blade Runner” sequel, Hollywood insiders have high hopes that the movie will attract a broad range of audiences.
It will be recalled that Villeneuve lent his expertise in drawing people to the personal arcs in “Arrival.” As he casts attention on the man-vs.-machine subgenre, movie watchers are bound to engage in discussions again about his intent.