Priyanka Chopra is a top Bollywood actress who has broken into Hollywood and the American TV world. Her serial "Quantico" launched her into the world of the American television. She now plays a stellar role in the recently released film " Baywatch." The actress was in Germany at about the same time the indian prime minister Narendra Modi was there. She requested a meeting and the Indian PM duly obliged.
However, trollers on the social media are not happy.The reason?They allege she met Modi, wearing a dress which exposed her legs. Many felt this was "not appropriate".
Many people commented on social media that Priyanka while meeting the PM should have been soberly dressed. Priyanka did wear a short dress but the star always dresses like this. This news was reported by Indian Express newspaper
Trolled on social media
The actress was trolled for this on social media. Priyanka is however never the one to chicken out. The actress hit back in her own way and maybe silenced all her critics.She posted a photo on her Instagram account seated along with her mother. Both the ladies proudly showed off their Bare Legs. She put a caption below the photo stating, "Legs for days.... #itsthegenes with @madhuchopra nights out in #Berlin #beingbaywatch." This took the wind out of the sails of the trollers.
Her photo on her social page earned her over 130,000 likes. That's a huge number considering she posted the photo just about 7 hours back.
Priyanka in America
Priyanka has established herself as a top Bollywood star. She got her big break with the serial" Quantico". She was also selected for an important role in"Baywatch" opposite Dwayne Johnson.
The critics have panned the film, but Priyanka has put in a fine performance. Rumors are afoot that she will bag other roles in Hollywood.
Meeting Modi
The Indian prime minister was on a visit to Germany and scheduled meetings with Angela Merkel. Priyanka grabbed the opportunity and almost 'gate crashed'an appointment with the Indian leader.
She later thanked the Indian PM for sparing time to meet her. This was her first meeting with Modi and it appears she has has achieved her aim of getting publicity.
Last word
Priyanka Chopra will have to do better than getting publicity by meeting Modi and showing her bare legs. Hollywood is a place where only the best survive. Her last film "Baywatch" hasen't done too well at the box office and this will be a dampener. She is busy promoting her film and one hopes that she will beat the flop show of the film.