The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that is before the House of Representative is expected to align federal law with the sentiments of the public finally. The law signifies a shift in focus concerning the life of a human fetus and will bring a more human desire to shun inflicting pain on an innocent creature. According to New K of C-Marist poll, a majority of Americans consider abortion be restricted to the first three months of pregnancy. In fact, the survey reveals that only 25% of pro-active Americans support abortion in the third trimester.

Substantial partisan and ideological divide on abortion exist.

In almost all cases, Democrats are most likely to support legalization of abortion than Republican.This gap of ideology seems to widen more when you consider liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans. Nearly 88% of liberal Democrats support legalization of abortion while only 27% of conservatives are of similar mind.

About 69% of Americans say Roe Wade ruling shouldn’t be entirely overturned.

On the Supreme Court’s 1973 landmark decision, seven out of 10 Americans believe that Roe-Wade shouldn’t be completely done away with. Republicans are less likely to hold on to this idea than Democrats. More so, there is also a notable difference in views concerning religion affiliation and education level.

In fact, 88% of those with a postgraduate degree says that court shouldn’t overturn the decision, while at least 74% of those with a college degree is of similar mind. However, there are no significant differences on this issue regarding gender.

44% of Americans say abortion is morally wrong!

At least 44 out of 100 Americans believe that having an abortion is morally not right.

From this poll, only 19% think that it’s morally right whereas 34% see it as a non-moral issue. However, these views were affected by religious affiliation as only 23% of religiously unaffiliated Americans agreed with this opinion. Some states around the country have passed their abortion law in recent years. According to Guttmacher Institute research, 27 states currently enforce a waiting period of at least three days for a lady seeking an abortion.

Further reports say that 11 states limit the abortion services offered by private health insurance plans; and commonly restricts abortions to instances where the mother’s life is in danger.

We can’t let critics get away with simply assuming that the unborn aren’t treasured human beings. It will be wrong to disregard the importance of human being just because he or she is at an earlier development stage; hence, we should advocate for abortions only when the life of the carrier is in danger and not for whatsoever, lousy reason.