President Trump has promised generous Federal financial assistance for Texas recovery after Hurricane Harvey. He received reports on recovery efforts and commended officials for their efforts. During his visit on Tuesday, Aug. 29, he engaged with the people who had come to cheer him. However, Trump has been criticized for his budget cuts. These cuts will reduce preparedness of states to deal with natural disasters such as Harvey. Trump has also been criticized for lack of empathy for the victims of Harvey.
President helps victims
President Trump visited Corpus Christi on Tuesday and met state officials working on emergency operations.
He promised federal aid but did not specify the amount of aid. Trump said he was working with the Congress to help Texas with billions of dollars. He praised the response workers. He assured the people of a speedy recovery. Trump received reports on relief efforts in Corpus Christi and also met emergency operations officials at Austin. He showed responsiveness of the federal government to the disaster. The presidential visit is appropriate at a time when Harvey has displaced tens of thousands of people and has destroyed countless homes. Hurricane Harvey has been responsible for the destructive flooding in southeastern Texas.
Trump connects with Texas people
There was a large gathering of individuals who welcomed Trump.
Some held campaign signs and others protested. Several Republican cabinet ministers said that Trump and his advisors had begun preparations for the storm several days before Harvey hit Texas. Trump enquired about the continuing risk of the storm. He praised Texas and waved the Texas flag at the cheering crowd. He could not go to Houston as the conditions have not yet cleared and it is not safe to go there.
President Trump receives criticism on his visit
Trump’s proposed budget has canceled the programs that help Americans without flood insurance rebuild their homes and reduces grants that support states mitigate the risk of flooding. His budget proposal withdraws Community Development Block Grants that helped Gulf Coast recover after Katrina.
These grants also helped New Jersey and New York recover from Superstorm Sandy.
Another problem was that Trump landed in Corpus Christi with a “45/USA” hat that is available for $40 on his website. Wearing campaign merchandise during Harvey visit is inappropriate. During his visit, Trump was all praise for rescue workers, but he did not show empathy for those who are displaced, injured, or dead. When Trump began his visit, he was joined by Mrs. Trump who wore black stilettos. The attire was widely criticized, and the stilettos were changed to sneakers when Mrs. Trump reached Texas. President Trump has made an effort to avoid the epicenter of the Harvey disaster so that recovery efforts are not slowed down by his visit.