Science has shaped lives and has constantly been changing the world. It is a process, a body of knowledge and human endeavor that has helped in medical advancements and other things. Not everyone may make scientific discoveries, but the world benefits from scientific advancements.
According to Lori Valigra, canning dates back to the late 18th Century in France when Nicolas Appert conceived the idea of preserving food in bottles and like many scientific discoveries this idea was improved upon.
Englishman Peter Durand developed the method of sealing the food in unbreakable tin containers. Canning is very important as it assists with food preservation and in recent times, efficiency in cooking. Saving time is very important and of course saving lives through the use of canning is clear as food can now be stored for a longer period of time and be sent safely to those in need and those who are starving.
Effective canning aids in the decrease of botulism poisoning (a rare but serious illness) that is transmitted through food, an open wound or contact with contaminated soil. If it is not treated early is can lead to paralysis and death.
Home-canned foods can also potentially provide an environment for botulism. Since 1973, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has heavily monitored its National Botulism Surveillance System. In 2015, the CDC reported that there were 199 confirmed and 14 probable cases of botulism in the United States. Infant botulism was the highest of those reported and food borne botulism was second highest.
A proper sewage system
The significance of the scientific creation of a proper sewage system is that it prevents the spread of germs and diseases. Without this discovery or creation, the world could have potentially lost a significant amount of its population, whether young or old because of diseases spread through sewage that may have not been adequately contained.
The ancient Romans have been credited with creating the first Sewage System. In later years, Edwin Chadwick, originally a journalist can be credited for the early findings and truly pushing for proper sanitation which also included cleaner drinking water. Residents who survived Hurricane Harvey, the monsoon flooding in India, Bangladesh, and Nepal now have to extra careful as flood waters can mix with sewage waters and cause E Coli or Salmonella.
The wheel
The wheel dates back to 3100 BC and no one truly knows who first created it. The wheel has become common place and is utilized to carry crops, and it is an essential part of vehicles, watches, clocks, water wheels and many more things. It creates efficiency.
There have been several more scientific discoveries that have shaped our world. Some of them include the microscope (which has helped to identify bacteria) and the Printing Press discovered by Johannes Gutenberg used to first print the Bible and allowed a larger part of the world to read their own copy. Much more are in the process of being discovered. In many instances, it is certain that the scientific process continues to help our world.