Do you need your daily Duggar fix? Can't get through a day without checking up on the "19 Kids and Counting?" Well, TLC has an app for that. Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar touted TLCgo on Facebook so fans can take "Counting On" with them wherever they go!

TLC lets you follow Duggars everywhere

Is one day out of seven too little time to spend with the "Counting On" clan? Do you go weak in the knees from a week without seeing the "19 Kids and Counting" of Jessa Duggar Seewald and Jill Duggar Dillard? Do you need more connection nanny Jana Duggar or newlyweds Joy-Anna Duggar Forsyth or Joe Duggar than the multiple social media accounts provide?

Do you long to see what wild Jinger Duggar Vuolo or problem child Josh Duggar are up to? TLCgo provides that fix.

Fans see hypocrisy in Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar

Some people having trouble wrapping their minds around the Duggar family. They eschew worldly things and then advertise the most worldly things of all - television, social media, Internet, and iPhones.They preach about putting God first and then do everything for their reality television show. They exhort others to live modestly and then live lavishly off TLC (no wonder the Duggars pushed so hard for "Counting On" after Josh Duggar got "19 Kids and Counting" canceled.

Duggars urge folks to live for 'Counting On'

It was bad enough that the celebrities don't watch TV but encourage others to watch them on reality TV.

"19 Kids and Counting" at least advocated family values like attachment parenting, living frugally, homeschooling and Biblical morality. But "Counting On" is different. Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar still pontificate about being good parents. But they push people to use an app to take them everywhere? How will one have time for her own family if she's so wrapped up in theirs?

As many critics have said, maybe folks need to get lives of their own?

Will you download the Duggar app and help this poor family?

What happened to having no other gods before God - reality TV ratings, that's what. The more you watch, the more they earn. But even that isn't enough. Jinger Duggar and Jill Dillard are millionaires yet Derick Dillard needs a charity fundraiser to pay for Bible school.

Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth started an Amazon gift drive for Joe Duggar and Kendra Caldwell. Josh Duggar lost his job after the pedophilia and incest scandal. Now he wants to sue cops and get back on the show he destroyed to fund his and Anna Duggar's baby-making. So how about it? Will you help the poor Duggars and download their app?