President Trump has shown the entire world the span of his ability to go to extremes in order to make a point. He has shown that he is not limited by the restraints of truth and has pushed way past the boundaries of lying to get his way. The President did this recently when he was making controversial statements about the violence in Charlottesville that was instigated and committed by white supremacist hate groups and Nazi-sympathizers.

Trump's support for the confederacy

White nationalists, white supremacists, neo-Nazis and "alt-right" Trump supporters formed a "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia starting on the night of August 11 to protest the removal of a confederate statue.

On Saturday, a white nationalist used their car to plow into a group of counter-protesters which killed 32-year-old Heather Heyes and injured 19. The violence triggered outrage and overwhelming demand to have confederate monuments removed nation wide. In his statements against the violent act, not only was the President forced to condemn those hate groups, but he also questioned why those monuments had to be removed.

Rather than make the distinction between statues that represented the traitorous Confederacy that lost the civil war against the Union and the statues of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, the President attempted to establish false equivalency between those symbols. During his final statement where he doubled-down on blaming the counter-protesters, the President suggested that the statues of the nation's founding fathers should also be removed along with those of confederate leaders because they owned slaves.

President ignores U.S. fight against Nazis

Trump has already shown, specifically, that he knows nothing about the Civil War and that his ignorance has served him well enough. The President also appears to have very little knowledge or even care to learn about when the U.S. fought the Nazis during World War II. It appeared that during his statements last week that he went to extremes in order to ignore that history.

An overview of the three separate statements he made during three different press briefings showed that he put more blame on the counter-protesters than he did on the self-proclaimed Nazis and racist hate groups.

In fact, he appeared to be providing more cover for those hate groups which overwhelmed the presence of his more formal statement where he denounced those same hate groups by name.

As pointed out, because he appeared more restrained in his formal statement, white supremacists and neo-Nazis did not take it seriously. In contrast with his other more passionate statements where he went unscripted, fueled by anger against those who expected him to be more "presidential" it's obvious he will always decide to defend Nazis and the confederacy.