Welcome to your daily FinanceScope for Pisces! Astrologer Megan Wilson explains what the stars have to say about your future and the path you need to take. Read on to find out more about what’s heading your way and how you should deal with those pesky problems you now face in your life.

What to expect

In those early days of investing you never needed to stop and think about how much you could afford to risk and what you were willing to lose. You were driven by the thrill, and oh what a ride it was. But that ended up being your first mistake. You should have stopped to figure your how much money you could let slip through your fingers.

Now it has all been lost, and the stars recommend that you reflect on that journey and your actions.

Some advice offered to those friends of the third decade; you should not waste time chewing ideas over for too long. Going over them time after time will not enable you to work out the right way to regain your losses. Only time will tell, so have some patience.

Lean times come around for everyone, and it is usually when you start thinking something may need doing differently. Changes may be called for in the group, and logically the first place to look is to the leadership. But is that really where the axe should fall? The rot may be further down the chain. So evaluate carefully, including your own part in matters.

Being a true leader is to be honest about what category you belong to and what should be done.

An investment opportunity with a partner abroad has reached the stage of development where a decision by you is called for. Despite its apparent lucrative nature, you should steer clear at this particular time. Work should instead be done on nurturing your current projects and guiding them in the best direction to allow them to start bringing in those long awaited profits.

Starting anything new now will likely not prove fruitful, so postpone what you are able to until a favorable period is again upon you. You will be grateful to have done so.

How to get through your day

To get through your day, Pisces, allow your spirits to be lifted. You made missteps in the past but it is time to put those deliberations aside and engage actively with the world again.

Appreciate the beauty around you today and let your senses be heightened as you explore the things you have lost sight of. Let a friend inspire you to try something new that will lend to your feelings of vitality and playfulness. Redecorate your workspace or your home so that you can rebalance your chakra. Do something you find pleasant for a change, and let yourself enjoy.

That’s it for today’s daily FinanceScope for Pisces. If you’ve enjoyed this reading feel free to share with your friends on social media and don’t forget to check back tomorrow for more updates. Be sure to enjoy the rest of your day!