There is much drama in Washington and the anti-Donald brigade has notched up a decisive win. There is no other way to interpret the resignation of Lieutenant General Flynn as the national security advisor after just 23 days. Flynn was close to Donald and the best way the opposition could get to Donald was by accusing his closest advisor of being a man who could be blackmailed by the Russians. A Russian phobia has built up, mainly to hem the policy of Donald for a reconciliation with Putin and Russia. Coming to the Telephone Call, the transcripts show that all Flynn had told the Russian ambassador was not to over react to the sanctions imposed by Obama.

Donald was aware of this call but a hysteria has built up and Donald must have realized that he could not do much.


It started with an investigation ordered by Sally Yates. Once an investigation is ordered, there is no way it can be stopped. It was forgotten that the call to the Russian ambassador was an innocuous call just to propagate Donald's line of thought. In any case, Donald has been expressing admiration for Putin all through the election campaign. After Donald won the election a concerted attempt has been made to put him on the mat. The aim is to undermine his victory and many GOP senior members are not averse to malign the president. The call by Flynn could in no way have led to blackmail - yet this is what the opposition said.

Setback to Donald

The going of Flynn is a personal defeat for Donald. It just about shows that the forces inimical to him are ganging up and one cannot rule out a further action. Flynn has gone but the real target is Donald and the president will do well to be aware of it. The knives are not going to be sheathed.

Last word

Flynn made one mistake.

He should have made a clean confession of his telecall instead of lying about its content to the VP. This would have taken the wind out of the sails of the opposition. But now he has gone just after 23 days and in a way, Donald now has his hands tied with regard to Russia. It will be important to see who replaces Flynn, who in his resignation has expressed his support for Donald.