Francois Fillon promises an economic reform:
If Francois Fillon had - somewhat in spite of himself - the merit of placing health, a major preoccupation of the French, at the heart of the primary of the right and the center, his first proposals in the autumn set fire to the powders, Not to be accused by his opponents of wanting to "privatize the Security". After hearing about a hundred actors and reworking his project, the former prime minister is now ready to present a revised roadmap. He plans to do so at the event organized by the Mutualite Francaise and 3 think-tanks (Fondapol, Fondation Jean-Jaures, and Terra Nova) at the Palais Brongniart on the theme of health.
The candidate looks firm on his ambition:
The universality of access to care:
Benoit Hamon (PS) and Yannick Jadot (EELV) will also detail their health project, Emmanuel Macron (On the Move!), Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Standing up for France). But all eyes will be on the new plan of the right candidate. Exit the grid of analysis, which opposed the "big risks" to "small risks", which had been controversial. During this much-anticipated exercise, Francois Fillon will reaffirm the central role of health in the Republican pact and confirm his will to keep it in a prominent place while reiterating his commitment to the universality of access to care.
Goal to save 20 billion euros
Fillon maintains his goal:
However, in the face of the chronic deficit of the Security and its abyssal debt, the candidate of the right does not retreat.
Judging the system at risk in the face of demographic and epidemiological revolutions, Fillon maintains his goal of making 20 billion euros of cuts in healthcare spending. "In this balance, mutuals will have a complementary role to play, which needs to be clarified," says one of his close relations. However, the candidate makes some adjustments and now proposes 100% care by the Safari of the glasses for the children. In return, mutuals will have to make an effort on the management of adult lenses.