The victory of Donald Trump will bring a man to power who has some very committed views and could well change the face of history. He had during his election campaign labeled NATO a treaty that had not changed with the times, and now, in an interview with CNN, has said that the alliance is "obsolete." Donald Trump has some clear ideas, and he does not go by age-old concepts and rhetoric.

There is no doubt that the focus of the alliance was communist power, and now, once that was gone, its reason for existence is just not there. But vested interests have created Russia -- the new danger to keep the alliance afloat at the financial cost of the USA. The Americans are shoring up the alliance with billions, which in reality is burning a hole in its budget.

Donald and NATO

Trump is a businessman, and one of his aims is to keep the American economy afloat. He has approached many projects and agreements with a view of shoring up the US budget, which has a deficit of $3 trillion. That is the reason he has come down heavily on the F-35 project, which is guzzling billions of dollars.

NATO is also under the scanner, and the President-elect feels that the European powers are just not contributing their share toward the alliance. This is sound economics, as the alliance has lost its original aim. Donald is just articulating a view that he repeated many times during his election campaign.

The future

Donald has also opined that the EU will break up, and he has hailed the Brexit move of the UK. In addition, he has criticized the German Chancellor Angela Merkel for allowing over one million refugees to enter Europe without any vetting, leading to a race crisis and more crime in Europe. The EU leaders are alarmed at the views aired by Donald Trump. These leaders have an ax to grind to keep the Russian bogey alive. They would like to have a NATO funded by the US. It gives them the leeway to rule their countries while the US spends the dollars with no liability financially, or militarily from their side.