President Donald Trump revealed that the US will abandon the nuclear deal with Iran and re-imposed sanctions. Mr. Trump was strongly against the agreement of 2015 under which UN removed sanctions imposed on Iran for working on a nuclear bomb.

European states see it as the best way to stop Iran developing a nuclear bomb. A Few

The French president feels Trump may be opening a Parorda box

Days earlier The White House signaled that the US might go for imposing sanctions on Iran as they were in 2014.

According to the French president "that would mean opening Pandora box, it could mean war." But, he added "I don't believe that Donald Trump wants war, CNN reported.

Iran’s president on Tuesday, stated that his country could face “some problems” ahead of US President Donald Trump’s decision on whether to pull out of the nuclear deal that the Islamic Republic signed in 2015 with world powers.

Without directly pointing at Trump, Rouhani’s statement at a petroleum conference in Tehran represented the first official Iranian comment on the US president’s overnight tweet that he’d make an announcement on the deal Tuesday.

According to the Iranian president “It is possible that we will face some problems for two or three months, but we will pass through this.”

Mr. Trump has declared the deal a "disaster" and "insane" and In January, he warned that the US would "withdraw" from the accord on May 12 - the next deadline for waiving sanctions - unless its "disastrous flaws" were fixed.

He complained that because of the nuclear deal project didn't stop completely and they are continuously working the project at a slower pace. Further, he added that America gave Iran about $100 billion which was used by Iran for military purposes, and their main focus was to use this against Israel.

The majority of European leaders are in support of the present agreement and attempted to convince Mr.

Trump that his concerns could be addressed through a supplemental agreement. But the latest interviews of European diplomats are indicating that they didn’t succeed in convincing Mr. Trump.

Effects of offensive foreign policy

Imposing your decision by threats does not constitute an effective foreign policy. Some of the American people are demanding that sanctions should be increased on the Iranian government but the American government has learned the lesson that adversaries, even weak ones, rarely surrender when they have a gun pointed at their heads.

Examples are found over the past 50 years with the USA's costly failures to pummel enemies into submission in Vietnam, Afghanistan and especially Iraq.

History shows that when Americans tried to use force instead of going for negotiations, every time results were against their thoughts and in Afghanistan, even after 17 years of war, they are unable to succeed and they have made the region go through much instability.

When the treaty with Iran was going to be signed, intelligence agencies of America stated that Iran was going to become a nuclear state within one year, but when the agreement was made Iran became unable to continue the work at the same pace that they were previously working at. Now it’s assumed that Iran requires around 10 to 15 years to achieve its target.

Trump has declared the agreement with Iran as the "worst deal ever" and accused the Iranian government of not fulfilling their part of the agreement. As this deal is reviewed after every four months, the US president refused to verify that and also signaled that he might impose sanctions back on Iran, the same as they were before 2015

The Iranians will be stronger without an agreement, and the United States will be isolated from our most important Western allies. If the American government wants to maintain peace in the Middle East they must decide to continue with the treaty rather than to impose more sanctions on Iran.