The State Department has introduced new rules that will see more people denied US visas, or those already in the country deported. The new rules require that an applicant should stick to their intended purpose of visit declared during their visa application, for the first 3 months at the least.
If they fail to do that, The State Department would presume that the applicant lied. If, for example, a male applicant gains entry into the US on a visitor's visa and marries an American girl before 90 days, the visa will be revoked and the applicant will be deported.
This also applies to getting a job or enrolling in college without declaring the intention during the visa application process.
The new regulations were sent to American Embassies around the world, via cable by Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Earlier, the change of plans after one month was deemed to be a willful misrepresentation.
In a case where a visa applicant deviates from the original stated plans, renewing a visa, getting a new one or trying to change visa status, would be denied. If the applicant still resides in the US, they will be eligible for deportation.
Reacting to the new directive, the American Immigration Lawyers Association said the changes were significant and would have a major impact on how visas will be will be applied, New York Times reported.
Affected applicants
Applicants from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa will be the most affected by the new visa requirement.
The new changes will not affect most of Europe and traditional US allies like Australia and Japan, whose citizens do not require a visa to visit the US.
Also, the ones who are not affected are citizens from the six predominantly Muslim countries that were blacklisted by the Trump administration after he took office. This is because they are not eligible to apply for a US visa under any circumstances.
Illegal immigrants
The new requirements are in line with President Trump's campaign pledge to rid America of illegal immigrants. Trump earlier this month made a move to end a program former President Obama initiated to protect young adults who were illegally brought into the country as children.
Speaking to the New York Times, a spokesman for the American Immigration Federation, Ira Mehlman, said he supported the new regulations and added that they would protect the immigration system from abuse.
Mehlman took issue with the 3-month willful misrepresentation though, saying that it was a tad extreme.