After their meeting with the President at the White House on Wednesday, Republicans denied reports that they were shocked or visibly frustrated by President Trump's switch to cut a deal with Democrats. Sources admitted to CNN in an article titled: "Republican leaders in the room 'shell-shocked' following Trump deal with Democrats" that Republican leaders in the room were "shell-shocked." The deal was the first one made -- since Congress returned to Washington from their August recess -- meant to keep the government open, raise the debt ceiling and to also fund disaster relief for damage caused by Hurricane Harvey.

Trump's frustration with Congress

Various media services have taken the liberty of portraying the President's switch in support for the opposition party as "mysterious." This would suggest that President Trump had just unveiled some hidden hand or that he finally showed America the "art" of the deal. But, according to the CNN article, aides said that the President sided with House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer because he was hungry for a win. The fact that Trump had spontaneously decided to turn his back on Republicans to keep the government going is hardly much of a slight of hand move and more about his frustration with Congress.

Cuts off treasury secretary

Prior to the meeting, both Republican and Democratic leadership made statements about their plans, with Democrats pushing for a three-month budget deal and Republicans criticising their idea as ridiculous. It was reported that Democrats figured Trump was ready to take anything and they held firm to their plan, rejecting the GOP's 18-month suggestion, narrowing it down to one-year and then down to six months.

Trump's treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin was reportedly talking up the President before he was interrupted by Trump to accept a deal from House Minority Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Result of new direction

The article also reported that McConnell decided to throw in his idea for a continued resolution (CR) to keep the government funded until December 15.

This could indicate McConnell's breaking point towards submission. All the same, the President's pivot is likely a result of the changes in direction from the White House.

Since Gen. John Kelly had taken over as the President's chief of staff in late July. Since then, the four-star general and former Marine has purged the West Wing of its most extremist elements. He has also moved to isolate the President only to receive vetted policy memos and allowed the influence of people like Gary Cohn, H.R. McMaster, and Jared Kushner to spread.