Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) made headlines during the August recess when he declared last week that he would be filing Articles Of Impeachment against President Trump when Congress returns to Washington in September. Rep. Cohen is a ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice which is appropriate as with regards to the President's recent pardon of former Maricopa, Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio this Friday. The President had been "taunting" American citizens just by saying that he would end up pardoning the former sheriff, a week after the outbreak of violence in Charlottesville, Virginia that was instigated by Trump supporters: white nationalists, white supremacists, neo-nazis and the "alt-right".
Cohen finding more reasons to impeach President Trump
Ever since the violent incident, President Trump has continued to commit a series of political disasters in defiance of what the nation expects from him. Cohen's declaration to file articles of impeachment started with the statements that the President made after Charlottesville, where three people were killed. In his statements, he blamed "both sides" for the violence, even though it was incited by white supremacist hate groups. Steve Cohen is Jewish and therefore more personally invested in his efforts to impeachment the President, for his defense of Nazi sympathizers.
But Cohen also reacted to the news of the Arpaio pardon by adding it reasons for impeachment.
The view now is that there are now grounds for impeachment which is further confirmed by a historic statement made by the fourth President of the United States, James Madison, that the abuse of pardoning power is an impeachable offense. Law experts have already weighed in argue that President Trump had violated the Constitution.
Cohen knows Republicans will not impeach Trump
In a statement, Cohen said that Trump's efforts were leading towards authoritarianism and that he would be reviewing the President's actions with members of the judiciary committee. When Cohen was asked if he thought that Republicans would support his impeachment request, the Tennessean acknowledged that they had a better chance of having snow the following day.
And while Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) had made statements against the President's pardon, they have not entertained the idea of impeachment, further, testing the limits of what Republicans will accept.
Many have said that the President did not go through the Justice Department (DOJ) to grant the pardon. But the DOJ's involvement is not mandatory. Nonetheless, Rep. Cohen has said that if that if the President did not go through the DOJ then, it's very disturbing. But the DOJ further confirmed that they did not need to approve the President's decision as they released a statement that they would respect the President's decision.